Chapter Seventeen - Memories

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I looked around and see that the walls are gone as well. I don't see my friends around at all. I got up and started to walk in the direction I remember them going toward. At least I think it is the direction that they went toward. I stopped walking so I can try to figure out which way they went. Maybe if I go back to the village and leave it again, I might recognize the path we took. 

But, I don't remember where the village was from where I am. I squatted down quickly and I buried my face into my hands. I could only groan in frustration. I threw myself back and laid in the grassy field. The grass was cold but it felt nice.

"Libra. Get up" a voice whispered

I jumped up and looked around. There was no one. I kept looking around with a confused expression. I stood up. Then I heard a small whisper noise flying past my ear. I turned my head and saw a blue light for a split second before it disappeared. What was that? I walked toward the direction it disappeared in. 

It appeared right in front of my face once I entered the forest. There is a blue light coming from it. It flew closer to me. I lifted my hand and hand in front of my face. The light went to my hand and I could see it clearly now.  It was will-o'-wisp. 

"Hello" I greeted the-wisp

It made whisper-like singing noises. It almost sounded like a siren singing softly. It kept staring at me and I stared at it back. We were like this for a while. Soon, it left my hand and flew off. I lifted my cloak a little bit off of the ground and followed it. The curiosity was killing me. The will-o'-wisp was fast so I had to run, to keep up with it. 

After a while of following it by running, my legs and feet were hurting. I slowed down and plopped myself on the ground. My legs and feet felt a little relief from not having pressure on them while my lungs were burning. I coughed a couple of times since my throat was so dry because I was breathing heavily for a while. 

I started to think I shouldn't keep following things because they end up making me really tired and out of breath when I do follow them. I looked up at the trees. All I could mainly see was the green leaves and some sun rays peeking through the tree canopy. 

For some reason, this reminded me of when I first met Aaron. It was the day when I realized that the King and Queen never liked me. I was eight years old. It was also the 3rd anniversary of my family's death. I had run into the forest to get away from everything. I had so much weight on my shoulders then. I still do but it is a little lighter than when I was a kid.

I was hiding in a tree since I knew that the Mayor, the one who adopted me, was going to try to find me. I didn't want to be near anyone. I wanted to be alone. I hiding in the tree for hours and during those hours, I was crying. I was letting it all out. For an eight-year-old child, I had a lot of emotions bottled up. I met Scorpio and Capricorn a year after my family's death.

While I was still crying, I felt something poke my side. I sniffed a couple of times before I looked up. There was a boy next to me, who looked to be around my age. He smiled when I looked up. I wasn't happy since I wanted to be alone. I was mean to him. Telling him to go and don't bother me. 

But he wouldn't move or react to me screaming and yelling at him. He was calm. Even though he was expressionless when I was yelling at him, I could see in his eyes that he was hurt. Once I saw that I immediately had guilt. I apologized to him and his eyes lit up. I found him weird at first.

We eventually talked and got to know each other. And I'm not going to lie, I had a "crush" on Aaron when I was a kid, but I was a kid. I didn't really know how all the love stuff worked. I thought it was a crush but I just admired Aaron. 

Whenever I didn't spend my time with Scorpio and Capricorn, I always spending it with Aaron. He helped me with some of my problems since he basically could sense something was wrong. I told him about what I was and about the Royals. He comforted me. He always gave me his shoulder to lean on or cry on. 

I missed the days where we were kids and we were innocent. We didn't really have to worry about anything. As a kid, I felt like I could do anything. I didn't know the things that I know now.  It was much simpler than now. 

I felt a tear fall down my cheek after remembering the memories I had of Aaron. I wiped the tears away but more came after.  I stopped wiping the tears away since more would come anyway. I laid down on the ground and let myself cry. It was happy and sad tears. I just let them all out. 

I was able to calm down after a little while. I wiped away any tears. I stretched my legs and arms across the ground. I kept laying there as I had my eyes closed. I just listened to the noises of nature and critters roaming the forest. I felt at peace when I heard those sounds. I was more relaxed. I almost forgot about everything around.

I almost forgot that I was not with my friends, having to kill the phoenix. I sat up, waited for a minute, and then stood up. I rushed off any dirt that was on my clothes and cloak. I walked over to a tree and claimed it. I sat on a branch and made my mandolin guitar appear in my arms. Then I swept my fingers on the strings.

"We were both children when. So full of innocence. We used to play our games in flowery fields. You're the one who could see the good inside of me and I knew then that I had something real." I sang

"I used to love you from afar as we all decided who we are, but you were never mine to have. Still, I loved you to the last because you were my, you are my always"

"For years my feelings grew, but I was losing you. The only happiness I'd ever known, another came along and slowly won your heart. I cared enough for you to let you go"

I stopped singing since I couldn't remember the rest of the song. I haven't sung it in a long time and I wrote it when I was a kid. I just kept playing the guitar. I also felt relaxed when I played the guitar. I did improvise a couple of parts as I played it. I stopped playing when I heard voices.

"Libra! Where are you!"


The voices sounded familiar. I let the guitar disappear as I hopped off the branch. I landed on my feet and faced where I heard the voices. I walked in the direction. I wanted to know who was calling me. As I walked far into the forest, I noticed the grassy field in distance. The field that I was in with my friends and then trapped in with Shadow and Aaron. I saw a group of people in the field. 

I picked up my pace once I saw different hair colors from the people. Some weren't natural for normal people. I smiled when I realized who they were. I ran out of the forest and toward them. My smile didn't go away. I am so happy to see them.  

I jumped onto Scorpio's back and then let go of him. He turned around and everyone turned to see what happened. Scorpio hugged as soon as he saw me. Everyone came in and we had a group hug. I was happy to see them and they were happy to see me. That is all that mattered at that moment.

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