Chapter Nine - Sagittarius

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I'm practicing my archery when I heard a set of footsteps coming toward me. I turned my head to see who was coming toward me and I see that it is Libra. She has her hair up in a ponytail but I bet she will pull her hair tie out soon. I went back to aiming at the target as I heard her sit on the tree stump that is behind me. I could feel her eyes on me. I let go of the arrow and it hit the bullseye. I smiled and then turned to face Libra.

"What's up?" I asked

"Nothing, I got bored"

"You? Bored? You rarely get bored"

She just shrugged her shoulders as I walked over to my weapons hut and decided to clean some of the weapons that have been sitting in there for a while. Libra got up from her seat and followed me over to the hut. I grabbed a couple of sheaths that have swords in them. She noticed what I was going to do and she grabbed some for herself. 

She usually helps me with these tasks. She used to help me often before than now. Libra and I used to have a thing but we broke it off about a year ago. But I still have my feelings toward her. I can see that she is completely over me. Which makes me sad but we can't really control those type of feelings. We were each others' firsts. We almost had our every first with each other. 

We cleaned the swords in silence which made me a little awkward since we aren't usually this quiet with each other. Then again, when she really focuses on something, she gets quiet. I took a couple of glances at her and as expected, She pulled her hair tie out and her hair is now down.

It didn't take long for us to clean the swords. Once we were done with the swords, we went onto the next weapon. We kept cleaning in silence. I started to get used to it until something fell onto the ground. I looked over to see that Libra dropped the ax she was cleaning. 

She quickly picked it up and brushed off the grass and dirt off of the handle of the weapon. She had to re-clean the handle again. I bet she isn't happy about that. She semi-slammed the ax against the counter and started to clean the handle again. I could only smile since I didn't want to laugh and make her angrier. 

"I can feel you smiling over there," She told me

"Sorry," I apologized as I kept smiling.

After a while, we finished cleaning every weapon and we sat down. She sat on the tree stump while I sat on the chair that is near the counter where we cleaned the weapons. I saw her look up at me and got up. She pulled something off of her wrist and went behind me.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"I'm putting your hair up in a ponytail"

I was going to go against her but she will fight back and I don't know what she will do or say. I felt her hands run through my hair. I really love that feeling.  I closed my eyes and got emersed into the feeling. Then I felt something pull my hair. My eye shot open and Libra walked over in front of me.

"There you go"

I could only smile. She is adorable. Then she turned her head to her left and then turned back at me. She nodded her head to her left. I slightly looked over and see Pisces and Virgo coming toward us. I looked back at her

"I guess I'll see you later," She said as she patted my shoulder

"See you later," I told her as I gave a small little wave

As she disappeared, Virgo and Pisces are already in front of me. Pisces playfully punched my shoulder. I looked up at Virgo to see him just shrug and then I looked over at Pisces, who is grinning from ear to ear.

"Who was that?" Pisces asked

"Didn't you feel her presence?" I asked

"Yes, but we can't tell who they are by feeling their presence" Pisces answered

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