Chapter Thirteen - Anger

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I hear voices at the other end of the door that I have to make sure I don't open at this moment because it would reveal where I am and one of the secret passages. I can hear maids talking about the other zodiacs. I slightly opened the door so I could hear a lot more easily. 

"Aren't they in the throne room?" one maid asked

"Yes. They are all chained up and can't look at the Queen or King. Not even the Prince can't look at his parents because he is a zodiac"

Hearing that made my blood boil. Their voices slowly faded out as they continued to walk away. I opened the door and climbed out of the passage. I closed the door and made my way to the throne room. I had to check over each corner because I don't need soldiers taking me to the throne room themselves. I need to confront the Royals myself.

I slowly opened the door that lets you enter the throne room. I slipped through the door and closed it quietly. I walked over to the end of the wall and looked over the corner. The maid was right. They in chains, on their knees, and being forced to stare at the floor.  I couldn't stand it. Screw the plan. I walked out of the shadow of the wall.

Soldiers noticed me ad unsheathed their swords. Bad choice. I quickly ran toward them as they ran to me. Before I attacked the first soldier, I saw Capricorn's and Scorpio's head lift. I jumped up and kicked the soldier in the chest. Even though he has armor on, I was able to make him stumble back. I dodged another soldier's sword attack.

I kicked the legs of the soldier that tried to cut my head off. He fell as I got up. I grabbed the fist of the soldier that I kicked in the chest. I twisted it and he let go of his sword to grab my hand. I pulled him toward me a little and spun him around and have his twisted arm behind him. I kicked him down. I ducked as a soldier tried to cut my head off again. 

I quickly turned and grabbed his ankles. I put them out from underneath him and he fell on his bottom. I quickly grabbed his sword that he dropped and the other sword that belongs to the soldier with a twisted arm now. They only had two soldiers in here. I pointed their own blades at their throats.

"This wasn't very welcoming," I told the King and Queen as I looked up

"We didn't expect you to be here. We thought you were a criminal" The King said

"How would a criminal get in here? Don't you have good security in here?"

They didn't answer my questions which I'm used to. I looked over and see all of their eyes on me. I waved a little at them. Most of them are confused but the ones that know me are smiling. I quickly put my hair up in a ponytail since my neck is sweating a little since my hair doesn't move that much when it's down. 

"How did you get in here?" The Queen asked

"That's not important," I told her with a little venom in my voice

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the ones who don't know you," The King said

I don't mind doing that since they need to know who I am. I quickly wiped the makeup off of my mark. I moved my shirt a little to show them my mark.

"Hello, I'm Libra"

Some of them were shocked. I looked back at the King Queen. I took a few steps forward. I pointed at the zodiacs and asked, "Why are they in chains?"

"We just wanted to make sure that-"

"What? That they won't hurt you? That they won't use their powers?" I walked closer to them, "We aren't animals that you can just control! We are humans as well. We have feelings! We don't use our powers to harm people, we use them to help them!" I yelled

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