Chapter Six - Virgo

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I entered the woods with my friend, Pisces. We are looking for Sagittarius. He said that he would be practicing his archery even though he doesn't need to because he never misses. Pisces and I saw him but there is a girl with long white hair with him. We stepped onto the open field. Sagittarius and the girl kept talking. 

They haven't noticed our presence. I could feel a zodiac presence from the girl. I noticed that her hair goes down to her thigh. She also has a white stripe starting from the top of her bottom lip and ending at the bottom of her chin. 

She looked straight at Pisces and me for a couple of seconds. After that, she patted Sagittarius on the shoulder and left. Pisces ran up to Sagittarius and hit him on the shoulder. I reached them only a couple of seconds later. Pisces is grinning from ear to ear. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. 

"Who was that?" Pisces asked 

"Didn't you feel her presence?"  Sagittarius answered with another question

"Yes, but we can't tell who they are from feeling their presence"

"She can"

"She can? How?" I asked

"I don't know. Anyway, what did you guys want?"

"We just wanted to hang out with you" Pisces answered

He nodded his head. We walked closer to Sagittarius's little hut.  I noticed that Sagittarius didn't tell us who she is. I sat down on a tree trunk while Pisces sat on the counter with Sagittarius. I looked up at him. Pisces also turned his head to stare at Sagittarius. Sagittarius turned his head and mouthed 'what?'.

"Tell us who the girl is" Pisces insisted

"Did you guys feel the zodiac presence coming from her?" He asked

"I did" I answered

"There wasn't a hint coming from it?"


"Oh," He hopped off of the counter and took a couple of steps forward, "That was Libra"

His bow appeared in his hands and he aimed at the target across the field. Pisces jumped up from his seat a little after hearing Libra's name. I've some rumors about Libra. I heard she likes to cause trouble and is the Balance Village Mayor's daughter. 

I don't really believe the rumors since all of us Zodiac Children, know not to make a fuss. Also, I highly doubt that she would since she is the Mayor's daughter and people might be going after her to get to the Mayor.

"Libra? You're friends with Libra?" Pisces asked

"Yeah. She's fun to hang out with. She makes things... interesting"

"Are the rumors true?" I asked

"Rumors?... Oh, those rumors. No, they're not. She tries to help the people but King's guards think she is trying to harm them since she is a Zodiac"

"What a bunch of assholes" Pisces blurted out

"Well, can you blame them? We have powers while they don't"

"Yeah, but, we didn't choose to be like this," I told Saggitarius


I looked up at the sky and sighed. I stood up and stretched as Pisces turned his head to look at me. I signaled him that I have to go. He just nodded his head. I told Saggitarius that I had to go since I don't want to just walk out and not tell him where I'm going since he might need me some time. I have to get back home so I can head over to the Ram Village.


As I walked through the Ram Village, the people looked like they have seen something that they shouldn't have. I was going to ask why but I was forcefully pushed down onto my knees. Someone pushed my head on the ground. Other than the person who pushed me down, I felt another pair of hands grabbing my wrists. A little after I felt cold metal around my wrists. I already knew that the metal was chained. I could only sigh. 

They pulled me up from the ground and pushed me towards a carriage. Two soldiers opened the doors to it and the one holding me threw me into the carriage. They quickly slammed the doors shut. I sat up and scooted over to the left corner of the carriage that is close to the doors as the carriage moved. I looked over and see a male sleeping at the back left corner. He has blue hair that goes a little past his shoulders. He has a scar across his cheekbones and nose. There is another scar going down his left eyebrow. He is wearing black baggy pants, a brown top, and black boots.

At the back right corner has a guy and a girl. The guy has ears and a tail showing, both a yellow type of color. He has a blond mullet. His bangs are a little longer. It suits him. He has a white top that has blotches of dirt on it. His pants are also baggy but are a tan color. His boots are black. The girl is leaning against his shoulder. She has short pink hair. She has horns that curved in an almost circle. She has a sleeveless black shirt that is tuck into her white skirt. She is wearing black tights underneath her skirt with black heels. There is some dirt on her skirt, leggings, and heels.

It wasn't long for the carriage to be filled with zodiac children, but there are only eleven of us total. One is missing. But who? I only know Sagittarius, Pisces, and Gemini. The carriage came to a sudden stop which awoke the people who were sleeping. The doors opened and we were dragged out. My heart sank as I saw where we were. We're in front of the castle. Why are we here? 

I also think that every zodiac child's heart sank when they saw the castle. We don't like the King and Queen. They have treated us badly. We were the "outcasts" of the kingdom. Everyone knows who we are. Everyone knows that we have powers. Some people are civil and some people aren't.

We were dragged into the castle. Once we entered the castle, we walked a bit toward the thrones and then were forcefully pushed down onto our knees and have our faces facing the ground. I think I can speak for every zodiac here, I'm pissed off since we are basically still in chains and we aren't treated fairly right now. We are being treated like wild animals.

"Where's the 12th?" The King asked his soldiers

"We haven't found her yet, Your Highness" a soldier answered

"Who is it?" the Queen asked

My god! Her voice is annoyingly high pitched and I can't stand it. I couldn't really get rid of the itchiness in my ears after hearing her voice. I really want to itch my ear but the damn soldiers are everywhere, watching our every move.

"Libra" The same soldier answered them

Oh, that's right. I kind of forget what happened this morning with Sagittarius and Libra. I was trying to figure out a way to escape from the guards but they are everywhere. I can't take them down by myself. I just hope Libra figure something out to help us out. I really don't want to be chained up all night like a prisoner. 

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