Chapter Fourteen - The Calm Before The Storm

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I bolted up from my sleep. I was sweating and I have no idea why. I looked down to see that I'm on a small bed that is with other small beds. The beds are big enough for only one person. I see Cancer, Gemini, and Aries sitting at one bed, talking. I got up from the bed and walked over to them. I don't remember going asleep yesterday. I walked up to them and the first person to notice was Cancer.

She stood up and walked over to me. She put her hand on my forehead and her other hand on hers. What is she doing? She pulled her hand away. She looked over at the other two and then back at me. She smiled.

"You don't have a fever anymore"

"Huh? I had a fever?"

She nodded her head and then I asked, "What happened?"

"You fainted in the hallway as we were being led to our rooms" Aries answered

"I did?"

All of them nodded their heads, yes and I could only scratch the back of my head. Why did I faint? I looked down at myself and see that I'm in a nightgown. The girls noticed this and started to lead me to a set of doors. They opened it and there were clothes hung align in it. It was a closet. I didn't see my clothes at all.

"Where are my clothes?"

"The King and Queen burned them," Gemini said


"They thought you didn't need them anymore and they thought that combat gear would suit all of us better"

I looked down and see that Gemini is in combat clothes. I looked over Cancer and Aries, they, too, are wearing combat clothes. So, the King and Queen turned all of our clothes? What a bunch of douchebags. What if they were our favorite clothes? Did they think about that?

I could only sigh after my thoughts. I looked at the closet and see that the outfits for us girls are the same. I grabbed the outfit and laid it out on the bed that was closer to the closet. The three girls went back to talking as I stripped out of my nightgown. I put the clothes on quickly and ran a comb through my hair.

As we walked out of the room and head to the throne room, I was putting my hair up in a ponytail. Gemini has her hair in a bun. Aries can't do anything with her hair. Cancer has her hair braided behind me instead of on her shoulder. If someone would have seen us, girls, they would probably think we were warriors. Badass Warriors, I might add.

I was the only one with black pants while the others had dark green. I noticed this when I looked down at my hands. As we entered the throne room, we saw the boys talking to each other and the ones with long would have their hair up in a ponytail. Which were about four of them who had long hair.

All of the boys are wearing the same outfit but some would have dark brown pants and the others would be wearing black pants. We caught their attention when Aries started a conversation between us. We joined the boys and waited for the King and Queen.

As soon as we heard footsteps with metal hitting the ground, we stopped talking had our attention on the Royals who have entered the throne room. They walked up to us with maids behind them with a piece of clothing folded in their hands. There were maids in front of us. One maid in front of each person. Then they moved the piece of folded clothing toward us.

"These were made you all. They are special, just like you guys. They are cloaks. They will protect you from any horrid weather that you will encounter on the journey." The Queen informed us.

All of us took the cloaks from the maids. While everyone put their own cloak on, I unfolded and see my zodiac sign on it. I looked up at the King and Queen. They nodded their heads. I looked back at the black cloak and decided to put it on. I peeked behind everyone and they have their zodiac signs on their cloaks as well.

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