Chapter Twenty-Three - The River

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I woke up to see that I'm in someone's arms. I just moved my eyes and see that Capricorn is carrying me. I wanted to sigh but I didn't want to scare him because he might drop me. I see that everyone is with us, including Aaron and Shadow. Capricorn looked down at me and smiled.

"You're finally awake"

He stopped and everyone did the same thing after. He let me stand on my own two feet. I put my hand against my face and can feel the dried blood. I looked down and see vampire blood on me. I remember what happened. I didn't blackout when I fought them like when I tried to kill the King and Queen.

"Are you okay?" Pisces asked me

"I'm actually okay. I thought I would hang up on it but I'm not. Also, it's not like I meet a vampire every day"

"What? You met vampires?"

"Yeah. And then I killed them since they were forcing me to be their Queen and I knew that they were going to use me for food"

Nobody had a comment since it was really quiet. Then Capricorn walked forward. Everyone followed him but me. Did something happen while I was with the Vampire King? Why is everyone so quiet? Did I say or do something wrong? I sighed as I decided to follow them since I have no idea where I'm at. I stayed in the back. I didn't talk to anyone. I kept to myself.

This reminded me of when I was by myself when I was fourteen. I was alone from fourteen years old to eighteen years old. Scorpio and Capricorn had to stay in the Castle for four years since they were in training. They were training with the King's army. And it was around the time Aaron disappeared because I turned him down.

I looked up to see everyone is standing on the outskirts of a forest and they are staring at me. I see their smiles but I couldn't tell whether or not they are fake. I just gave them a small smile. I took a couple of steps forward and the ground started to shake. I stopped and looked around. I wanted to see if there was a herd of something coming toward my direction. There was nothing. Then why is the ground shaking?

Then it stopped. I looked up at the group and they looked worried. Some of them were still looking around. I waited a couple of minutes just in case it happens again but it didn't. I took a step forward and I fell. I fell into a hole. But the hole wasn't there when I took the step. The hole was wide enough for me to slide down and it was really long. I was breathing heavily. I tried to stop myself from sliding by grabbing onto anything stiff but there was nothing.

Dirt got into my eyes a couple of times so I had to rub my eyes after those times. After I rubbed my eyes for the sixth time, I wasn't sliding anymore but falling this time. I screamed as I saw that there was nothing below me as I fell. I had spun a couple of times. It wasn't fun. I looked down to see if there is anything in sight yet and there is. It's water. I got closer and closer and only one thought came to my mind. This is going to hurt.

~3rd Person Point of View~

She fell into the water to only be knocked out by the amount of pressure of the water and her body coming to connect. The dried blood on her arms, face, neck, hair, and collarbone was washed away once she was underneath the surface of the water. She floated up to the surface of the water. Her breathing was slow for a few minutes. It became normal. The water source she has fallen into was a deep river. 

The water pushed her body toward a village full of Elves. Elves have helped many people throughout their lives. Their village only lets people in if they are in need or there something that person needs to learn about themselves. But this time, the village has mistaken the white-haired girl in the river for something else. But the villages can tell that she isn't evil or have any immoral intentions.

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