Chapter Twenty-Eight - A New Beginning

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I slowly opened my eyes to see the sky before I coughed up water. I leaned over to my side to get more of it out. I was able to feel, see, and hear things again. I pushed myself up from the ground and looked around. I'm back at the lake where I killed Aaron and Shadow while my friends killed the demon army. There is no one around either. 

I looked at the lake and see no one in there, besides the dead demons. I feel sad a little bit because I only got to reunite with Rin, Lance, and Joey for a little bit and I wasn't able to say goodbye to them. All because my body acting weird. I really need to figure out why that happens. I starting to get annoyed. I stood up and brushed pebbles that were sticking to my pants, off of them.

I straighten my back and looked at the forest past the small field full of dead bodies. I made my way toward the forest. I need to get back to my home. I need to tell everyone that I'm fine. I also want to know if my friends went back to their homes since the demons were dead. Also, was I out for long?

I walked through the forest and I didn't hear anything. Not even crickets or birds in the trees, which I find odd. Usually, there is an animal out there in the forest making some type of noise. I stopped walking to see if I could hear anything if I'm not walking. I looked down to see that I have wounds on me. They are fresh.

They are healing slowly. There are more holes in my shirt as well. I heard something move behind me. I turned my head to see nothing but I heard the noise. I summoned a dagger in my left hand and then approached the spot where the noise is coming from. A bunny hopped out of a bush and I sighed in relief. I put my dagger away and went back to trying to return home.


I had finally made it home after days of nonstop walking. I didn't stop for food or water. I just kept walking. I didn't want to stop. I wanted to get home. The night sky had stars covering it. It was beautiful. I looked around and no one was out. Everyone was in their homes, sleeping. I closed my eyes and tried to see if any of my friends are nearby.

I can sense them but they aren't in any of their villages. They are in the castle. I opened my eyes and made my way to the castle. I walked along the dirt road that had some stones here and there. I did hear some animals as I walked. A lot of people in my village have pets. A dog or a cat. Either one or both. Everyone likes to have an even amount of members in their family.

I see the castle in my sight and walked on the bridge that leads you to the front doors of the castle. There are some guards out, keeping watch. I kept walking toward them. Once they saw me, they put their dominant hand on the handle of their sword. I grabbed the left side of my shirt and pulled it down enough to show them my zodiac sign. 

They let go of their swords and let me go through the front doors. I silently walked into the room and see everyone is in the throne room, talking to the King and Queen. I didn't have boots on since they were taken off of my feet by Rin, so they wouldn't be able to hear me walk in or walk up behind them.

"I'm sorry, but we can't go after her. We will be going into another's territory" The King told them

"No, you just don't want Libra to be brought back since she can take your life. Well, All of us can but she is more willing to do it" Capricorn stated

"That is true but she also killed two demon princes. I'm not sure how she did it but she did and they are powerful. You guys only killed demon soldiers."

I stayed a couple of feet behind my friends. I wanted to see if the King and Queen would see me. Maybe have it look like they are seeing a ghost because they probably think that I'm dead. Even they did mention that I killed two demon princes.

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