Chapter Five - Cancer

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I've come to realize that I hate these parties. My parents are rich and love throwing parties even if it is something small. I am tired of wearing dresses all the time because of them. I used to like dresses but not anymore. They get in the way of my walking. Sometimes I trip over the trim of the dress. All the dresses are long and I hate it. I need my legs to not always hit the dress. The dresses are also itchy.

I'm at the dinner table, waiting for one of my parents to speak. Telling me how they're probably going to have one either tomorrow night or the following night. I shoved a piece of meat in my mouth. I didn't want these thoughts distracting me from eating my food. I noticed that I'm almost finished so I might be able to not listen to them talk about their party they are planning.

Now that I think about it, they have been quiet for a long time. Way too long. I'm starting to think that they are getting sick. I finished my food with my last bite. I stood up, grabbed my dishes, and walked toward the kitchen. I don't like having the maids and butlers do everything. It seems weird to me. I would like to do most things on my own. I like being independent. I hate depending on others if it is something small, like dishes or laundry. Simple things like that.

I walked into my room to strip out of my dress and put on my pajamas. I heard a knock on my door. I quickly braided my hair as I walked over to my door. I tied the end of my hair. I put my hand on the door handle but something seems to be off. I let go of the handle and took a couple of steps back. 

"Who is it?" I asked

"It's your father"

I heard some concern in his voice. I told him to wait a minute. I quickly got out of my pajamas and got into my red dress and a black coat that is made from raven feathers. I put on black flats. I pulled my blankets and sheets off of my bed. I tied each end together. Once I was finished, I tied one of the ends to the wooden bed frame and pushed the tied sheets and blankets out of my window. I climbed onto the window ceil and kneeled.

"You may come in"

The door was roughly pushed open. It was soldiers. I knew something was off. As they ran toward me, I stood up and jumped out of the window. I grabbed onto my sheet rope and slowed myself down. I climbed down quickly so I have a chance to run before the soldiers get a chance to run out of my house. I reached the grass floor. I let go of the sheet rope and looked around. I see that I'm in the clear and I ran. 

I ran into a dead-end of the village. The Crab Village has a lot of dead-ends. I turned my hands into crab claws. I dug into the wall and climbed the wall. I heard metal hitting against each other and the road. I got to the top of the wall and a lady screamed. I shushed her immediately after. My claws turned back to my hands. I turned around to see a couple of soldiers. I recognized one of them.



The soldiers looked at him and then at me. I looked down at my right thigh and see that my mark is showing. I pulled the split in my dress to cover my mark. I ran onto the roof of a house and ran. I heard some soldiers curse. I smiled. I jumped to another roof. It was a little hard since the dress is long. I stopped running and changed my right hand into a claw. I lifted the end of my dress with my other hand and cut my dress. Once I cut it, my claw became a hand again and I ran. 

I caught myself before jumping onto another roof because the gap is wider. I leaned back but that made me fall on my butt. I looked up to see a bright light in the sky. It's moving. I saw wings flapping just a little after. Then it disappeared through the trees. What was that thing? I shook my head and got up. I'm not going to think about it because I need to get away from the soldiers. 

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