Chapter Twenty-Six - Demon Free

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I gasped for air. I looked around to see that I'm leaning against a tree. I looked down to see that the chains are still around my wrists. I looked around and I saw my friends fighting the demon army and the demon princes. Most of the army was defeated. I can see from where I am that my friends are tired. The demon princes can see also. I stood up with the help of the tree. I was still in pain.

I still have the cuts and bruises. I touched my face and I also still have the busted lip and the black eye. I pulled my wrists away from each other and I was able to break the chains. Phoenix power. I was only able to break the chains when I had my phoenix side still attached to my soul before I had lost it. I smiled. My entire body heated up and my wounds were healing quickly. I actually felt like myself again.

I looked up to see that the demons have my friends in the grasp. The two demon princes are facing them. I brushed some dirt off of me and I crossed my arms. I walked up behind two demons who were next to Aaron and Shadow. I quietly walked up to one of them and quickly summoned a dagger and slit the demon's throat. I went over to the other demon and did the same thing. The demons went stiff and fell. The princes looked over at the demons but then looked back at my friends. I cleared my throat.

"Need some help, guys?" I asked in a joking-like way

The demon princes moved slightly and their eyes widen. They backed up and went to hide behind their army. I rolled my eyes. Pussies. I felt the power rising in me. My vision became brighter. Everything lit up like the sun is at its highest point of the day. I summoned swords and put them through the hearts of the demons. The demons that are holding onto my friends. I ran toward my friends. I wanted to make sure that they are okay.

"You're alive," Scorpio said

"Yeah, I am"

"How?" Aries asked

"To be honest. I have no idea."

"Your eyes are glowing white" Virgo informed me

No wonder everything looks lighter now. I smiled. My vision went back to normal. I looked at Capricorn and see that he looks like he wants to slap me. But then she sighed. He put both of his hands on my cheeks and pulled me to him. His lips had touched mine. I was surprised at first but I closed my eyes and returned the kiss. It lasted for about thirty seconds before I pulled away.

"We'll continue this later. We need to kick some demon ass" I told him

He smiled and gave me a small peck on the lips before getting up. The rest of us got up. Everyone was smiling when they looked at me. I signaled at all of them that we need to kick some ass now. They nodded their heads and faced the demon army. At least what is left of it. My vision became brighter again. I smiled. We ran to the demons.

I wanted to kill the princes myself since they are the ones who knew me the most. They toyed with me and I DON'T like being toyed with. I killed demons who tried to stop me. I can see that they see me coming for them. This time, they aren't happy. They aren't smiling. They look scared. I didn't take any time to delay any time for me to crush their skulls. I made it past the army that became smaller. The two brothers stood there. My vision became brighter than it was earlier.

"Why can't you stay dead?" Aaron growled.

I just smirked. Aaron ran at me. I let him grab my shirt. I grabbed his wrist and started to heat it. I know that he is a demon but this heat is different since it isn't really from hell or a disaster. It's made by a bird that should be a myth but isn't. At least not right now. He gritted his teeth. He let go of my shirt but I kept my grip on his wrist. He grabbed my hand that is around his wrist. I put my other hand on his other wrist. 

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