Chapter Eleven - Scorpio

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I was strolling around behind my house until I heard armor hitting the ground and the armor hitting against itself. I already know what that is and I know why they are here. I immediately turned my heel and ran toward my house.


Perfect timing. I into my backyard and then into the house. I slowed down a little bit so I could talk to him without running past him. I stopped in front of him and told him, "Cap, We got to go"

"Why?" he asked as he got up from his seat.

"There is a whole bunch of soldiers coming toward this way and they don't look happy. I think your parents are starting the plan"

He nodded his head and said goodbye to Mrs. O'Reilly. I kissed my mother on her cheek, saying goodbye, and then we left his house. We ran down the dirt road with some soldiers chasing us. Capricorn and I could only smile because we knew that we could lose them. We've done it before when we were kids.

We ran a lot. I was getting tired. I don't know how long we ran but we ran. We were able to lose the soldiers. We slowed down a little bit and went into an alleyway. We can finally catch our breaths. I could chuckle when I thought of the idea of the soldiers trying to catch us. They can't, we've always outrun them. I playfully hit Capricorn on his chest and he chuckled too.

Some of my hair got in my face and was a little annoyed by it. I quickly pulled it up in a high ponytail and Capricorn followed my lead with the hair but he put his white hair in a low ponytail. I looked at Capricorn. 

"Do you think we are safe now?" I asked jokingly

"I think so" a female voice answered

Capricorn and I looked up and see a female that we know. She is leaning over the roof with a smile plastered on her face. She is going to fall. A second after, she slipped and fell right in front of us. She stood back up and some of her white was blown into her face. She pushed her hair out of her face. She smiled up at us and we smiled in return. I see some dirt on her cheek.

"Libra? When did you get here? Weren't you going to hang out with Sagittarius?" I asked

"I did hang out with him a little bit. It ended when his other friends came"

"Why don't you make friends with them?" Capricorn asked

She looked up at Capricorn. If looks would kill, he would have been dead by now. She really wanted to hit him but she resisted. I saw her hand move back. I saw Capricorn shrug his shoulders in my peripheral vision. I looked at Capricorn as he looked at me. Then we looked at Libra.

"You should know how I am with people" She stated

"Yes, but his other friends are zodiacs. You should be able to trust them" Capricorn pointed out

"Really? Do you remember how hard it was for both of you to have me open up to you guys? I was used and played with, remember?"

I could hear some hurt in her voice. She has been through a lot. Capricorn might think that she put the mood down but she really didn't. She just told us facts. It was hard to get her to open up. The only time we saw her cry is when she told us about her past. We were happy that she was able to open up with us since we've known her since we were kids.

"Libra, we didn't mean-"

"You don't have to apologize, I ruined the mood, not you," Libra said as she cut my sentence, "Anyway, why were you guys running from the soldiers? One of you is the Prince and the other is a solider himself"

I quickly looked over at Capricorn, "Should we tell her?" I asked

"Tell me what?" she asked both of us.

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