Chapter Two - Leo

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I laying on top of my house, absorbing the warmth from the sun. I finished working and I am relaxing. The sun helps me relax. I let my ears and tail show. It feels nice to be in the sun, no one nagging you to do something right, or having people surround you.


I sat up and looked down at the ground. I see Rose and her friend Claire staring at me. I waved at them after they waved at me. I jumped off the roof and landed on the ground on my feet. I patted Rose's head. Both of them smiled up at me and of course, I smiled back. They ran inside after I smiled. I watched them go inside before I walked off. I want to visit Aries. It takes some time to get to her house but it's okay for me.

As I walked through my village, The Lion Village, and I noticed girls on the sides staring at me. I'm used to it. I've always been stared at since I've been a child. It was because I couldn't figure out how to hide my ears and tail. I did eventually but it took a while. I walked past some open markets. They seemed to be distracted. I walked up to a market that has hair accessories laid out on a piece of red cloth. I noticed a hairpin that has a phoenix with a blue gem that is wrapped out its tail.

"How much is this hairpin?" I asked the female behind the table

"16 silver co-" she stopped talking once she looked up form the hairpin and stared into my eyes, "Sorry, I said the wrong amount, it's 6 silver coins"

"It's cheap for a hairpin"

"Is it?"

I just smiled as I pulled my pouch of money out of my shirt and opened it. I grabbed 6 silver coins and gave it to the female. I put the pouch back in my shirt. I said goodbye after I thanked her and made my way toward the border. I put the hairpin between the cloth belt that is around my waist and my shirt. I skipped a couple of times as I got close to the border. Once I stepped out of my village, the air changed. The auras and atmosphere changed also. Everything changed. This is the strip of land is between each border. It isn't long but you can still get hurt if you're not careful.

I quickly got through the strip of land and crossed the border of the Ram Village. I sensed Aries. All Zodiac children can sense each other if we're near each other. I sensed another zodiac but I don't know who. But once I took a couple of steps into the village, that strange sense of the other zodiac, disappeared. I ran into Rosalie, Aries' friend. I grabbed her arm before she could fall. I pulled her up and let go of her arm. She thanked me. I didn't bother to ask her where Aries is because I see her at her mother's shop. I walked away from Rosalie and went toward Aries.

I tapped Aries' right shoulder while I was on her left. I smiled when she looked toward her right. She looked at me after and smiled. I pulled the hairpin out from between my belt and shirt. Only the sides of her hair are pulled back. I put the hairpin in the back where the strands of hair from opposite sides of the head meet. She looked at me with a confused expression. One of her cute expressions.

"What did you put in my hair?"

"A phoenix hairpin"


I nodded my head. She hugged me and I rested my head on her head after I wrapped my arms around her. I kissed the top of her head and I felt her smile against my chest. And yes, Aries and I are dating. Just in case if you're curious or haven't processed anything that has been given to you. Her smile stayed as she looked up at me.

A scream broke out. That was followed by more screams. People ran by us. Most of them were screaming. I pulled Aries behind me. I looked around to see nothing for the people too scared of until something was thrown toward Aries and me. I pushed her out of the way and it wrapped me. I was pulled by it and I ended up tripping over my own feet. I can't move my arms or hands. Aries ran to me.

"What are you doing? Run"

"I'm not leaving you, Leo"

Soldiers yanked Aries away while one of them searched me. Once they saw my mark on the left side of my neck, soldiers turned me so I'm on my stomach and they put chains on my wrists. I turned my head to see that they chained Aries' wrist also. They are wrapping a rope around her now. They pulled me up from the ground and threw me into a carriage. I sat up to see Aquarius. He is tied up like Aries and me, his eyes are closed, his breathing at a steady pace, and his chest is rising and falling at a steady pace too.

I turn my head back to Aries and see her in the carriage as well. I see that she noticed Aquarius. I reassured her that he is okay. I didn't even get a chance to ask the soldiers any questions. I was trying not to fight against them since that would probably make the situation worse. Aries rested her head against my shoulder and see that she is trying not to cry. I rested my head against her's and sighed. I fixed myself to where I'm leaning against the wall of the carriage. Aries scooted over to put her head back on my shoulder. I rested my head, again, against her head.

I looked down at Aries and see she has fallen asleep. Her chest is rising and falling at a steady pace. She looks peaceful. I sighed as I looked up at the ceiling of the carriage. All of a sudden, the carriage came to a complete stop. Luckily for the soldiers, Aries and Aquarius didn't wake up from the abrupt stop. The doors at the back of the carriage suddenly opened. All I saw was the back of a soldier for a couple of seconds until they moved and I see another person tied up, like the three of us in here.

This person is a male. He has obsidian colored hair with yellow eyes that complements his facial structure. He is wearing fancy clothes, which I presume that he is one of the rich folk. He sat up. It looked like he was about to speak but the soldiers closed the doors. I leaned back and closed my eyes. It seems like the trip is going to belong.

"I know you're awake" he stated

I opened my eyes to face him since he didn't sound happy when he said that. "I was trying to go to sleep"

"Oh, sorry, what is your name?" he asked

"Leo, and you?"


"Welcome, Virgo, to one hell of a ride."

He chuckled as he leaned against the one bench that is in here. The carriage began to move. I closed my eyes to try to sleep through this mess. Why are they grabbing the zodiac children? Do they need something from us? If so, what do they need? Can't they just tell us and we can agree? I sighed and finally, my eyelids became even heavier than before. My breathing slowed down a bit. I heard nothing. I didn't hear the creaking of the wheel to the carriage. I couldn't hear the soldiers' footsteps outside.


I heard doors, roughly being opened. I turned my attention to it. I noticed the number of people in the carriage now. The soldier began to pull them out of the carriage. I went to wake up Aries but she is already up. I quickly kissed her cheek before she pulled away from me. I was next to be yanked out of the damn carriage. I didn't fight them since it will probably be a mess. Some soldiers pushed us a lot harder than they should of.


Soldiers yelled out the same word over and over again. I was roughly pushed a couple of times and I endured it. We entered the castle. We were pushed toward the ground to be on our knees. They held our heads down. We can't be looking up at the thrones. The thrones where the King and Queen sit in.

"Where is the 12th?" The male asked

"We haven't found her yet, Your Highness"

"Who is she?" a female asked


I heard someone gasp from being surprised and they seem to be scared too. What is scary about Libra? Are they dangerous? Or are they not who they are supposed to be?

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