Chapter Twenty-Five - Their Awakenings

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Aaron pushed me away from him and I was pulled into someone else's embrace. I know it's Shadow. I bit one of Shadow's arms. He let go of me. I elbowed him in the face to turn around afterward and then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. I summoned a dagger in my hand and stabbed him in the abdomen. He was surprised. I don't get why he would be surprised. He should know that I won't be their servant or slave, whatever they are going to make me.

I felt hands on my waist and I was pulled back. The hands spun me around and I was faced with angry Aaron. I summoned another dagger and went to stab him in the chest but he grabbed my wrist that is connected to the hand that is holding the dagger. He put pressure on my wrist but it didn't hurt. Before it did, but now, it doesn't. But maybe it's just the adrenaline running through my veins that is preventing me from feeling pain.

I summoned another dagger in my other hand and went to stab him again but he grabbed my other wrist as well. I started to use my strength to push him back. I was able to move him. A smile appeared on my face. I let my daggers disappear. I pulled my arms down with his hands on my wrists to only kick him in the gut. The dagger in Shadow disappeared since I felt it. Ever since I could summon these swords and daggers, I noticed that they had my zodiac mark engraved on them and I don't have my staff with the balance scale and the pointed tip. It was more like a spear with a balance scale on it.

Someone ran into me from behind and I was slammed against the ground. I groaned in pain as they grabbed my arms and put them behind me. I growled. I couldn't get out of their grip. This is when the adrenaline started to disappear and I felt all of the pain. My whole body was in pain. My eyes got watery because of the pain. I felt someone's breath brush against my ear.

"Looks like you are going to be our little angel now"

My eyes widen. I was turned around and then I got a fist to my face. Then Shadow slapped me straight afterward. He is just playing with me. Shadow grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me off the ground. He moved his arms onto my shoulder and turned me around. Aaron kneed me in the gut and then punched me. I coughed up some blood. I spit it out. I can feel the bruises forming. Aaron pulled a small blade out of his pocket and looked at it with a smile plastered on his face.

"This is going to be fun"

He put the blade against my cheek and slid it across my face. I groaned in pain as I felt the pain slicing through my skin. Shadow held onto me tight. I can hear his breathing in my right ear. Aaron is smiling while slicing my flesh with his blade. But then his smile disappeared when he saw the wounds he left have healed already. Then he pulled something out of a cloth bag and see the chains that have the enchantment on them. My eyes widen.

"It's a good thing I stole this"

He handed them to Shadow and he quickly puts them around my wrists, which are now in front of me. I was powerless now. Shadow went back holding me while Aaron had gone back to putting cuts on my face. He kneed me in the stomach again and again and again. Shadow and Aaron switch places. Aaron is now holding onto me while it is Shadow's turn to hurt me. He punched, slapped, cut, and kneed me. Both of them did these things with a smile on their faces.

When they stopped, I had bruises and cuts everywhere. My lips are busted along with, probably, a black eye. I've also spit blood out a couple of times. Aaron let go of me and I just fell over on my stomach. A foot put itself on my back and pressed down. I groaned in pain and I felt some of my ribs cracking. I felt tears starting to fall down my face. I couldn't handle the pain anymore.


I lifted my head to see all the zodiacs, standing there in a group with horror in their eyes. At least I think it is horror. I couldn't really see well since there is some dirt in my eyes. I was pulled off of the ground and I felt a blade at my throat. I just sat there, letting whatever will happen, happen. I have accepted whatever fate I have. To whatever will happen. I will go with it.

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