Chapter Twelve - Libra

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To be honest, I didn't think this would happen. I honestly thought we were able to get out of here but I was wrong. I see Scorpio and Capricorn being pulled back while two soldiers are holding onto me while I swing my legs everywhere. I kicked both soldiers a couple of times but it was their armor. It hurt but I ignored the pain.

This morning, I was hanging out with Sagittarius. I helped him out with cleaning half of the weapons in his little hut before his other friends came along. I believe it was Virgo and Pisces. Then I went running on roofs in the Scorpion village since I wanted to hang out with Scorpio and Capricorn, who was probably on his way to his house.

Then I saw Scorpio and Capricorn being chased by soldiers which I was confused by since Scorpio is a soldier himself and Capricorn is the Prince. I followed them until they hid in an alleyway. I slowed down my pace and stopped at the end of the roof. I leaned over and saw them just standing there since they needed to catch their breaths.

I soon helped get away from the soldiers which were by leaving the Scorpion village but I was hit in the gut by something and I fell back. I was laying on my back and I heard footsteps coming towards me but they stopped all of a sudden. I looked and saw that Capricorn and Scorpio were chained up and two soldiers grabbed me and lifted me off of the ground.

That is what happened so far. I kept fighting the soldiers. I only took a short break to check on Scorpio and Capricorn. I see them being thrown into a carriage with other people. I didn't know what was happening and the only difference between them and me, I wasn't chained up.

Once they closed the doors and pulled over a big piece of wood over them, the soldiers let go of me and went toward the carriage. I was confused. Why am I not being taken away? Capricorn and Scorpio told me that they are capturing all of the zodiac children. Did the two of them say something to soldiers? 

I am on my knees, watching the scene in front of me. They walked away with the carriage that is being pulled by four horses. I wasn't able to get up until they were out of my sight. When they were, I released the breath that I was holding. I stood up and sighed. Why didn't I get up and help my friends?

Probably because I can't go in without a plan. I have an idea of where they are being taken. I quickly left the Scorpion village and made my way toward my village. I need to write some of my thoughts down so I could fully pull a plan together. 


Nothing. All of my thoughts from earlier don't align up with each other. I sighed in aggravation as I threw myself onto my bed. I don't want to leave them in the castle but I have no idea how I am going to get all 11 of them out of there quietly. It's going to be a big problem anyway if I don't get them out of there. 

I growled in frustration and almost pulled some of my hair out. I sat up and just stare off into space. I don't know. Also, if I get caught, the King and Queen might just say screw it and kill me since they hate me. Capricorn and Scorpio think that I hate them but I don't. I just dislike them. I am not at the 'hate' part yet. 

The door to my room opened slightly and I turned my head toward it so give it my attention. I see my dad and a woman that I have never seen before. But then another guy came in right after they walked in. Then I realized what my dad was doing. I got off my bed and ran to my window. I jumped through as I heard my dad call out my name.

I rolled over on the ground to make sure I do any more damage than I would have gotten if I just let myself hit the ground. I got up from the ground and ran. I don't want what my father does. The woman and man that walked in my room with my father were a rich couple who has a son, who they, and my dad want me to marry. I would rather be captured by the soldiers than be forced into a marriage with someone I don't know.

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