Chapter Ten - Capricorn

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Scorpio and I are meeting just to hang out today. He wanted to stop by his house because his mother wants to see me. I don't mind that. Mrs. O'Reilly is a friendly woman. She is more of a mother to me than my own mother. Then again, my mother is the Queen of the kingdom so she doesn't have time for me. Neither does my father.

I knocked on the front door of Scorpio's house. The door opened a couple of seconds later and it opened to Mrs. O'Reilly. She smiled and let me. I closed the door as she welcomed me. She made me sit at the kitchen table as she went to the back door. She opened it and yelled out for Scorpio. That never gets old.

As Scorpio's mother sat down at the kitchen table with me, I heard his footsteps coming here like he is running away from the soldiers. Well, then again, he is a soldier himself but he is different because of who he is. He entered and slammed the back door shut. 

"Cap, we got to go"

"Why?" I asked as I got up from my seat

"There is a whole bunch of soldiers coming toward this way and they don't look happy. I think your parents are starting the plan"

I only nodded my head and said goodbye to Mrs. O'Reilly. Scorpio kissed his mother goodbye and then we left his house. We ran down the dirt road with some soldiers chasing us. Scorpio and I smiled because we know that we will probably lose them soon since both of us have trained with most of them.

We ran for a while but we were able to lose them. Scorpio and I stood in the ally way so we can hide and catch our breaths. Scorpio chuckled a little and playfully hit my chest. I chuckled with him. His pink hair is covering his face. He pushed it out of the way and pulled it back up in a high ponytail. I pulled my white hair into a low ponytail. 

"Do you think we are safe now?" Scorpio asked

"I think so" a familiar voice answered

We look up and see our only female friend leaning over the roof. She smiled at us. Her hand slipped and she ended up falling right in front of us. She stood up quickly. Her white hair was blown into her face. She quickly fixed it. She smiled and we smiled back. I swear she is going to get herself hurt one of these days. The number of times she has fallen off of roofs.

"Libra? When did you get here? Weren't you going to hang out with Sagittarius?" Scorpio asked

"I did hang out with him a little bit. It ended when his other friends came"

"Why don't you make friends with them?" I asked

She looked at me with an expression that says 'really?' I just shrugged my shoulders. Scorpio and I just looked at each other and then turned our attention back to Libra.

"You should know how I am with people" She stated

"Yes, but his other friends are zodiacs. You should be able to trust them"  I kind of pointed out

"Really? Do you remember how hard it was for both of you to have me open up to you guys? I was used and played with, remember?"

Why did she put the mood in a depressive state? Then again, she likes to make sure we aren't people who will use her as the previous people did in her past. Why would you use a nice person for something that you would only gain? I really hate people sometimes. Scratch that, most of the time.

"Libra, we didn't mean-"

"You don't have to apologize, I ruined the mood, not you," Libra said as she cut Scorpio's sentence, "Anyway, why were you guys running from the soldiers? One of you is the Prince and the other is a solider himself"

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