Chapter Twenty-Four - Betrayal and Lies

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I woke up to see that I'm in an unfamiliar room. I was also wet. I sat up and I am alone in the room. I got off of the bed, which is also wet, and walked toward the door. I opened it and peeked over the doorframe. There was no one in sight. I exited the room. The room was actually just a small building. I am outside now. I see people walking around. I started to through the village. When I did walk past some of the people, I noticed that when they see me, they smile and look away.

I was so confused about why they would smile. Did I have something on my face? If so, please tell me. My clothes were damp now, along with my hair. I want my hair to dry completely so I could put it in a ponytail. I want it out of my face. I got to a bridge and see a river flowing underneath it. I end to the end of the grass and put my hand in the water. It felt nice. I cupped some water and drank it. It was fresh. The water wasn't dirty at all. I cupped some more water and drank it.

I felt my mark burn up. I sat back and put my right hand over my mark. I was in pain. I stood up and went onto the bridge. What is happening? This is the second time that this has happened. I want to know why this is happening. What I'm grateful for this time is that it isn't that painful as the first time. I also felt more alive after waking up. I felt like something missing just came back to me and I have no idea what that is.

The burning sensation went away but the pain remained. I let my hand fall to be by my side and I continued to walk. I need to find a way out of here. I am underground. I'm in an underground village. I remember falling down a hole and falling into a body of water. And now, I'm walking around a village that I have no knowledge about and the people like to stare at me.

The pain went away and I was able to walk around comfortably. I heard some people whisper. What I noticed about everyone is that they have white hair, like me, but their ears are pointed while mine is not. Then it hit me. I am surrounded by elves. This is an elf village. Then I heard my name being called.


"Lady Alma! You shouldn't be running around like this!"

I turned around to see a woman with a dress but the torso looks like armor. Her pointed ears show through her curly white hair. She has pink eyes with a golden crown pointing downward with a golden string attached to it that is spread across her forehead. I didn't question how she knew my name since my mark is on my chest where anyone can see it easily.

She caught her breath once she stopped in front of me and she held onto my hands. I let her hold onto my hands since I didn't really mind. But I will stop her, if she had touched somewhere I don't like to be touched by strangers or even my friends. She looked at me and smiled but I could tell that is a fake smile. I can tell by her eyes. The eyes betray the person who is trying to fake something. The eyes tell you the real emotion the person is feeling. She seems to be concerned.

"You shouldn't be walking around. You have a fever"

A fever? I checked myself and I don't feel myself being overheated. I don't feel hot. She checked my forehead after I did and she looked surprised. She let go of me and smiled. Again, it was fake. I don't know why she is doing that but she shouldn't keep doing that since it will become a bad habit. Trust me, I also did it. I am starting to get out of it, but habits are hard to break.

"I'm fine. I need to get out of here so I can get back to my friends" I told her

Her expression sadden. I could only sigh. Without questioning me, she told me to follow her to the exit. We walked on the bridge and went toward the village. As we entered the village, the elves greeted the woman in front of me by bowing and say 'Lady Alma'. I guess she is the leader of the elves? Maybe? I don't know.

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