Chapter Seven - Pisces

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I slipped on my white shirt and some black pants. I grabbed my boots from beside my bed and walked into my living room. I see that my mom is feeding my baby brother and my father is nowhere to be seen. Probably by the docks getting everything organized and ready for ships to come in. I sat on one of our wooden chairs and put my boots on.  

Sagittarius, Virgo, and I are going to meet up in the woods between the border of my town and Sagittarius's town. Today is the day where all of us are free and nothing is going to interrupt us. Hopefully. I finished putting on boots and got up from the chair. I kissed my mother's forehead as well as my baby sister's. I said goodbye and walked out of the house. 

I stopped by the docks quickly to see how my father. I see him ordering people to put what where and what to do. I could only smile. My father is a very hard working man and I couldn't be any more proud. He built his business himself and it blew up since there are other islands out there that would trade with us or people would come visit our land because we are one of the towns close to the castle. 

My father noticed me and he gave me a small wave along with a smile. I returned with the same gesture. I made my way through the town after waving at my father. I am heading towards the border of my town and Sagittarius's town. Virgo and I might bump into each other first since he likes to go through my town to get to Archer Town.


What I predicted earlier came true. Virgo and I bumped into each other first on the way to our hang out spot. We walked through the forest until we saw the small hut that we usually hang out at. The hut is usually a target practice for Sagittarius. He always practices even though he never misses. We stepped onto the open field that is in front of the hut. We see Sagittarius with a girl that has long white hair. She looked young too. 

I felt a strong and unique presence coming from her. Sagittarius smiled after the girl said something. When she slightly turned her head, I saw a white stripe starting at the top of her bottom lip and ending at the bottom of her chin. Her eyes were white but she didn't look creepy with them. They could have a very light shade of gray in it to make it look less creepy. She was actually beautiful.

She looked over at Virgo and me. She patted Sagittarius on the shoulder and left a little after. Why did she leave? She could have stayed. I ran up to Sagittarius after she left and playfully hit the shoulder she patted. Virgo soon got to where we were and I am grinning from ear to ear.

"Who was that?" I asked

"Didn't you feel her presence?" Sagittarius answered with another question

"Yes, but we can't tell who they are by feeling their presence" I answered

"She can"

"She can? How?" Virgo asked

"I don't know. Anyway, what did you guys want?"

"We wanted to hang out with you"

He nodded his head like he just remembers that we were going to do that today. He got up and led us to the hut that we are closer to. One hut is for target practice and the other one is for weapons for anyone who wants to practice or start to pick up a weapon.

Virgo sat on a tree stump while I stared at Sagittarius because he hasn't told us who the girl was. In my peripheral vision, I saw Virgo staring at Sagittarius also. As we were staring at him, Sagittarius didn't seem to notice until he turned around and mouthed 'what?'

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