Chapter Three - Aries

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Rosalie and I are helping our mothers to pick herbs. Both of our mothers studied medicine. We help in the market to sell some of the medicine that our mothers have made. I learned a little from my mother. I wanted to know how to help people and make them feel better and not worse. I mainly wanted to do this because of my family and Leo. Even though we are both zodiacs, I still want to learn it so just in case our healing factor doesn't heal us in time and the medicine can help speed up the process.

I wiped the sweat off of my forehead from being in the sun for so long. We have been out here for a couple of hours. I pulled my hair back halfway since I can't pull it back. My hair is short. It's great to have short hair because, during the hot days, you don't sweat as much but in the winter, the hair won't be covering your neck and you'll be colder than having long hair.

"Alright! We are done for today" my mother announced

I handed her the herbs that I just plucked. She put it in the basket. Rosalie linked her arm around mine as we walked toward the store that our mothers own. We have a small store and if we have common medicines, we sell half of them on the market, so we don't have so many in the store and we can have more room in the store for new medicines or rare ones. 

We walked into town. People said hello to us, well, mostly to Rosalie. Not a lot of people like the zodiac children. I have my horns showing and they can see my mark on the right side of my neck. My boyfriend Leo. He has his mark on the left side of his neck. It is kind of ironic that our marks were put there. We didn't even notice each others' marks until we were together for a year.

"Ah, I need to grab the bowl" Rosalie blurted out

"What bowl?"

"The bowl that you use to grind the herbs" she explained while using her hands

I nodded my head, telling her that I understand now. She let go of my arm and ran off. I turned to look at the flowers that we have in front of the shop. I kneeled to check on them. I noticed that one of them is dying. I sighed. I stood up straight to feel a tap on my right shoulder. I looked over to my right to see no one there so I looked at my right to see Leo.  I smiled. He reached for something between his belt and shirt. I didn't get a chance to see it before he put it in my hair. I looked up at him

"What did you put in my hair?" I asked

"A phoenix hairpin"


I was surprised, but also happy.  He nodded his head to confirm it and I was even more excited.  I hugged him. I buried my face into his chest. I smiled after he kissed my head. I hope nothing ruins this because I will probably be in a bad mood if someone or something does interrupt us. That's when screaming was being voiced toward us like it was perfectly timed. Leo let go of me and pulled me behind him. Before I could even ask why he did that, I just saw him being pulled toward the ground. I ran over to him and made sure he was okay.

"What are you doing? Run" He told me

"I'm not leaving you" I snapped back

I don't want to leave his side. I want to figure out how to unchain him. Before I could grab the chain around Leo, a soldier yanked me away from him. I fought with the soldier a little bit but I didn't get out of his grip. I pulled my head. I felt his breath against my neck. The right side of my neck. He let go of me. He roughly pushed me down on the ground so I'm on my knees. He pulled my arms behind my back and put chains around them. I looked over at Leo and noticed that he is watching me getting tied up with rope now. A soldier pulled him u from the ground and threw him into a carriage.

I was next to be thrown into the carriage. They forcefully pushed me toward the carriage. I feel like a sack of potatoes. I grunted as I landed on the floor of the carriage after being thrown in. I sat up. I saw Aquarius. I see that he is sleeping so I won't bother him. I scooted over to rest my head against Leo's shoulder. I closed my eyes to only be awoken by Leo moving over to lean against the wall of the carriage. I scooted over and again, put my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and waited for the darkness to take. It wasn't long for me to fall asleep.


I woke up from doors being roughly opened. The doors were slammed against the walls of the carriage. I looked over at Leo to see that he is also awake. He kissed my cheek before I was pulled away from him by a soldier. The soldier grabbed the chain around me and kept me close to him. We stayed by the carriage until Aquarius got out. The soldier closed the door and pushed me forward. I followed the others toward the gates of the castle. 

The soldiers yelled a lot for us to move even though we are moving. We aren't moving fast enough for them. I scoffed when I saw some of the soldier's actions towards everyone. I sighed after I scoffed. I looked up and counted everyone, including myself. I counted 11 people. Who is missing?

We entered the castle to see that everything is not as bright as I thought it was going to be. There are only small candles around the room. The soldier who held onto me pushed me down on my knees. I looked up but only to be staring at the floor again. I sighed again. I glanced over to Leo to see him staring at the floor. I saw Aquarius glance up but only be forced to look at the floor again.

"Where's the 12th?" a smooth male voice asked

"We haven't found her yet, Your Highness" the soldier behind me answered

"Who is it?" a slightly high pitched female voice asked

"Libra" The soldier behind me answered, again. 

Libra? Where could they be? Did they know that the soldiers were getting the zodiac children? If so, how? The rest of us didn't see them coming. We didn't even hear about soldiers coming to our villages. Usually, we would hear about these things. I glanced at the thrones. The King and Queen seem to be terrified. Why is that?

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