Chapter Four - Gemini

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When you hear of Gemini, you think of twins right? Well, I'm one of the few cases that there isn't a set of twins. I just have another personality. My hair is ombre. Raven black to snow-white hair. I have a rich family but I don't like being in it. I hate all of the balls and parties. I hate dresses. I can't describe the amount of haterade I have for dresses. I am walking in my village. Strolling alongside the dirt road. I'm on my way back home from watching people fight. 

Some people deserved it while the others didn't I stopped every fight where someone, who didn't deserve it, from being beaten to a pulp. Some of them tried to fight me instead but they didn't win. Sometimes they see my mark and stop. My mark is in between my collarbones. I find it funny when people see that you're different, they start to act differently.

I chuckled a little after thinking about the earlier events before opening the front doors of my home. Once I stepped inside, I hear screaming. My parents are probably at it again. Every time I come home from anything, they are always screaming at each other. Calling each other names. Every name in the book. Of course, they can't show this to the public since they have to keep their precious reputation. What is their reputation anyway? One of the richest people in the village that everyone wants to stay away from?

What I'm thankful for is that the people don't think I should be part of the family. That is a fact. They don't even treat me like their daughter. All because I am one of the zodiac children. It's bullshit. I didn't choose this, but that won't go through their damn thick skull. I just get why they keep blaming me for everything.

I sighed as I walked through the decorative halls of family portraits of us. All three of us putting a fake smile on. We're nothing but a screwed up family. The daughter always going out because she doesn't want to hear her parents fighting. She doesn't want to wear dresses, be proper so people can like her. She wants to be herself and see if people will like her as who she is. The parents aren't happy. They fight every single night. They fight over stupid shit. They ignore their daughter. They haven't divorced because they don't want people thinking they were the perfect couple.

I slammed my door shut and walked over to my bed. I plopped myself down. I sighed as I kept hearing the screaming and yelling. I even heard glass shatter. Again, I'm used to this. I rolled over on my bed. I stared at my desk. I stared at it until I couldn't see anything. I closed my eyes and rolled back over on my back. 

Wouldn't it be nice to have happy parents? Parents that accept you for who you are and not of the mark you were born with. Not having to fake your happiness and smiles. Having wonderful times. Having a childhood. I get jealous of people who had a childhood. They were innocent for a while. I never was. My parents taught me most things. Things that a child shouldn't have to hear.

I heard nothing. It was quiet. Too quiet. I sat up from my bed immediately and ran out of my room. I slow down my pace and see soldiers in the house. My parents are stiff. They are like statues. A soldier turned around and spotted me. He tapped the soldier next to him. the other soldier turned to see me. Both of them came toward me.

They grabbed me aggressively and dragged me out of the house. The other soldiers followed behind the two. I fought them. Who wouldn't fight against them? They had a strong grip on me but that didn't stop me. They slammed against a wall. I felt cold steel chains go around my wrists. I was about to use my power, but couldn't. Why isn't my powers working?

"What the hell?" I whispered as I was being tied up by rope. 

I heard doors being opened. I turned my attention to the doors and see a carriage. I see four people in it already. Are they gathering the zodiacs? I was pushed toward the carriage only to be thrown into it. The carriage doors closed behind me. I see three people sleeping while the other one is just leaning against the small bump in the carriage, staring at the wall. I looked at the male sleeping in the back left corner. He has blue hair that goes a little past his shoulders. He has a scar across his cheekbones and nose. He is wearing black baggy pants, a brown top, and black boots.

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