Chapter Twenty-Two - Vampires? Seriously?

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I had woken up in a bed with silky sheets and pillows. I didn't pay attention to anything around me because I need to see what is happening. I walked toward the door. I stopped before I turned the handle. I looked down to see that I'm wearing a red nightgown. What? How? Who the hell changed me? I just ignored it and opened the door.

Once I opened it, a girl was standing there, who looks like she was about to knock. She smiled and then bowed. I put my hands on her shoulders and made you stand up straight. I see my clothes in her arms. She handed me my clothes.

"I will be waiting right here. Come one when you have changed"

She pushed me into the room and then closed the door. I quickly got out of the nightgown without questioning anything. I put my clothes on. I opened the door and see that she is standing there. I cleared my throat and she turned around. She smiled.

"Follow me please"

She bowed and then walked away. I quickly followed her. If I want to escape this place, I need to know the place and who I'm dealing with. We went down many hallways. I feel like I'm in the castle. Then we entered a kitchen. A big one I might add. I see men and women working hard in the kitchen. I saw sugar cookies, my favorite cookies. I sneaked over to the plate of sugar cookies. I picked one up and bit into it. The cookie melted in my mouth and I was in love. These are some of the best sugar cookies I've had. I quickly finished the cookie.

Then I grabbed another one. I bit into and hummed in bliss. I wondered how they made these so delicious. Before I knew it, I ate one after another. I didn't realize that everyone had left the room because of a certain someone. I felt something play with my hair. I stop moving my cookie between my teeth. I slightly turned my head and see a pale man with black eyes and hair. His lips are painted red.

"Enjoying the cookies?" He asked

I smiled and laughed with my mouth closed. Then I bit into the cookie that I had in my hand. He smiled and I saw that he had fangs. Oh. This is new since I know he isn't a demon. I finished the cookie and had completely turned my whole body to face him.

"Sorry" I apologized since I practically stole food from someone I don't know.

"It's fine. They were made for you anyway"


I know my eyes had lit up because he smiled again. He put his left hand on my cheeks and he squashed my face. He whispered 'cute'. I am so confused. Does he know me? Or he just saying that to trick me? He let go of my face and put his hands into his pockets in his pants. I just noticed that he is wearing all black.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"You're wearing all black"

"Oh. It's my favorite color"

"Oh really? I thought it was purple" I said sarcastically

He laughed. I was surprised to see him laugh because doesn't seem the type to do that. I looked at his fangs and they are sharp. I don't want to know what he uses them for. His laugh sounded pure and uplifting while his voice sounds deeper than the ocean. He stared at me for a little bit.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked


"Then why are you staring at me?"

"Because I want to"

Okay. He is getting a little creepy. I smiled and excused myself. He followed me. I didn't mind it at first, but it got annoying after a couple of minutes of him following me. I stopped and turned around. I asked, "Why are you following me?"

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