Chapter Twenty - The Sword and The Army

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"The Phoenix has a child?"


"Then kill them both"

"Why? Why do you hate the Phoenix so much? You don't know what it's been through. She hasn't done anything after that night"

"Have you forgotten? The Phoenix killed your family!"

"I know! The Phoenix had a reason to kill them! They stole her child!"

"What? How do you know this?" The King asked

"Because the Phoenix is standing with us"

"You mean the girl that is holding your hand is the phoenix?"

"Yes, and..."

"And what?"

"She's my mother"

It went silent. The King and Queen looked at my mother and then at me. They went back and forth a couple of times. Then they looked at each other. I can already tell that something isn't going to be happy and easy. I pulled my mother behind me. Shadow and Aaron and kept stealing glances at me.

The king signaled his soldiers, they nodded their heads and came toward us. I fucking knew it. I heard footsteps behind us. Before I could move my mother, All of us were slammed down onto the ground and chained. They dragged my mother away from me. 


The Queen stood up from her seat walked to me. She kneeled and leaned toward my ear. She whispered, "You can say your goodbyes tomorrow"

I started to fight the soldier that is holding me down. She stood up and walked back to her throne. I can hear everyone trying to fight the soldiers but these chains and pretending us to use our powers. I was lifted off the ground. Then the others were lifted off. 

A maid walked in with a sword in her hands. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I had stopped fighting the soldier. He kept his hold on me though. The King grabbed it and removed the blade from the sheath. The light reflected off of it when he moved it in a certain way. Then he looked up at me

"You're probably wondering what this is," he looked down at the blade and then back up at me, "This can take away the phoenix within you. We don't need any more phoenix after your mother"

The soldier pushed me forward and I started to get scared. They let Shadow and Aaron look up from the ground. Probably to make them watch me get stabbed. I tried to stop him from pushing me but I couldn't really do anything because of the enchanted chains. He stopped pushing and waited for the King.

The King stood up from his seat and I saw the Queen smile. Once he was in front of me. The Soldier let go of me and took the chains off of me. I rubbed my wrists. Before I could fight back, a blade went through my stomach. 

The King pushed me down with the blade and stuck part of the blade of the sword in the ground. I'm on my knees and tried to grab the sword put it zapped me with something. Blood got on my clothes. I heard my friends yelling. 

The King walked away and out of Aaron's and Shadow's vision. Once they saw me, their eyes widen. My hands are trembling. I felt something sucking all of the Phoenix power out of me. It felt like my soul was being stolen away.

I coughed up some blood. Tears were streaming down my face. It was painful but I didn't make any noises. I grabbed the handle of the sword but it zapped me again. The King stood in front of me. I went for the handle and I was able to touch it this time. But, I wasn't able to pull it out of me since I felt weak. 

I let go of the handle. Blood kept coming out of my mouth. The King grabbed the handle of the sword and pulled it out of me, very slowly. It was very painful and I only groan in pain. Once the sword was out of me, I fell to my side. I put my hand on my wound. No more blood came up to my mouth. I spit some out. 

"This didn't kill you since you were only half Phoenix. Imagine this could do to your mother"

My eyes widen. Then I furrowed my eyebrows in anger. I pushed myself off of the ground. I felt my wound healing. The soldier grabbed me and lifted me off the ground and put the chains on me. Great. I can't heal now. 

"She can't heal if those chains are on her" Capricorn told them


Nothing happened. They the chains on me. I groaned in pain from time to time as we stood there. The soldiers were waiting for orders from the King and Queen. The King looked over and realized what they doing.

"Sorry. Throw them into the dungeon. You can take the chains off of them but not with Libra." Then he pointed to Aaron and Shadow, "Throw them in the dungeon as well. Put all of them in one cell. They won't be able to get the chains off of her anyway"

The soldiers nodded and started to push us toward the dungeon. The soldier that was pushing, stopped, and then lifted me. He carried me to the dungeon. They had my wrists chained in front of me instead of behind my back this time. 

They threw all of us in one cell. I was the only one with chains just like how the King wanted. They closed the iron bar door. The bars had the same enchantment on them as the chains. I cursed underneath my breath when I saw that. 

Once the soldiers were gone, everyone surrounded me. I can see the worry in their eyes. I could only smile. They would be worried because they just saw me get stabbed and have half of my powers being sucked out of me.

My breathing became uneven. Shadow reached for the chains but I moved my hands. Everyone was confused as to why I did that. I put on a smile and said, "Leave them on. I'll be fine"

"You don't look fine. You're pale"

"That's just my skin tone" I chuckled a little after I said that

But nobody smiled or laughed with me. My smile disappeared and I just waited. I waited for something to happen. Maybe a miracle. I just wanted something to happen. I looked over Aaron's shoulder and see a demon at the iron bars. He started to bend the bars. Why didn't Aaron and Shadow do that?

I nodded my head toward the bars and everyone looked in that direction. I saw Aaron and Shadow smile. They got up and hugged the demon. I guess they know each other. The demon looked at me for a second. I just stared at him. I didn't know what else to do. He looked back at Shadow and Aaron. He bowed at them.

"Sorry that we're late, Your Highnesses"

Oh, you have got to be kidding me. I pushed myself off of the stone wall and started to burn holes on their heads. They looked over at me and knew that I wanted answers. Aaron walked toward me as Shadow stayed with the demon. He kneeled next to me.

"Yes, we're Princes. We didn't want to tell you since you hated your King and Queen"

"Aaron, Capricorn is the son of the King and Queen. I wouldn't have hated you. I don't hate him"

He smiled but for it to go away a second later. He got and went back to the demon and Shadow. They were discussing their demon army. The demon army is here. They are surrounding the castle. The King and Queen know about this too. I also heard that they going to kill my mother today instead of tomorrow. I stood up and walked up to them. I stuck my chained wrists out.

"Break them," I said

The three of them just looked at me. I looked up at the three of them and repeated what I said, "I said, Break Them"

Shadow quickly broke them. I instantly felt my wound healing. I rubbed my wrists as I heard my friends behind get up and walked toward the four of us. I looked up at the demon and asked, "Can I join to kill the King and Queen"

"Libra, they are going to hurt you again," Aaron said

"I just heard that my mother is going to be killed today, I'm going to do whatever it takes to save her. Go ahead. Try and stop me" 

"I like her" the demon stated with admiration 

"Okay. You're really stubborn"

"I know"

We followed the demon out of the dungeon through a passageway and then we were in the Royal's Garden. I know where I'm at. I ran off and went toward the direction of where they are going to kill my mother. My friends and the demon are following me. I need to save my mother. I just met her and now she's going to die. No! I'm not letting that happen.

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