Chapter Twenty-One - Her Death and Her Awakening

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We have reached the court outside where they execute people. I don't see them at all. I walked over to see the court more. When I stepped foot on the court, the King and Queen walked onto it, with soldiers behind them, dragging my mother. The King and Queen saw me and just smiled.

"You're here! I thought you would never come"

Right when I was about to run to them, I was grabbed and slammed against the ground. And I was chained, again. Once I had the chains on, I was lifted and forced to watch them. The soldiers who are dragging my mother threw her on the platform where they execute the people. My mother was weak, I can see it. 

They made her be on her knees. I was fighting against the soldier but he is winning, but it didn't stop me. My mother was staring at the wooden platform underneath her. The King unsheathed the sword he used on me earlier.

"Any last words?" He asked my mother

She looked over at me and she mouthed 'I love you' as a tear fell down her face. My eyes had tears holding onto my eyelids. Once the tears broke free and fell down my cheeks, I saw my mother be stabbed in the heart by the King's sword. For some reason. This hurt me more than when my father died.

~3rd Person Point of View~

She stood there, watching her mother's life slowly drain away. The other Zodiacs and the Demons looked over at her. Their heart broke when they saw her face. The soldiers took the chains off of everyone. Libra saw her mother fall to her side, but it was very slow, like a slow-mo in a movie. Libra just broke. Not just her heart. Everything felt like that shattered like glass inside of her. Her mother had finally hit the ground. Her eyes had no life to them anymore. The Phoenix has died.

The King, Queen, and the soldiers were laughing and cheering. While on the other hand, the Demons and the Zodiacs were heartbroken to see their friend like how she was. Just like her mother, she, too, looked lifeless. She had fallen onto her knees. That's when something snapped inside of her. 

She screamed. That is all she did. Her hair was being blown around even though there was no wind. Not even a slight breeze. Her eyes had become fully white and they were glowing. There was a white light ring surrounding her. Her friends were worried and scared. They were wondering what was happening to her.

Soldiers started to surround her since they need to make sure she doesn't attack the King and Queen. Then Libra had stopped screaming and nothing was glowing anymore. Her hair covered her face as she stood up. Once she looked up, her eyes were still glowing white. A sword with balance scales and her zodiac mark is on it. Then another appeared. And another. And another. One after another. It didn't stop until she had enough to kill the King's and Queen's soldiers who were part of the execution. 

Once she had enough, the swords flew at them. The swords went through their heart as she walked toward the King and Queen. All of the soldiers have dropped dead. The swords in their bodies have disappeared. Two swords appeared in Libra's hands.

Her friends were worried since Libra was blinded by rage. Her emotions were everywhere. Even though they want the King and Queen dead as well, they don't want her to kill them like this. They yelled out her name but nothing was heard. Her name went in one ear and out in the other. 

Libra approached the trembling King and Queen. They kept begging for their life. They didn't want to die. They didn't mean to kill her mother. Their pleads went on. Libra ignored their pleads and continued to approach them. One sword disappeared from her hand and held onto the one. 

Libra had decided just to cut both of their heads off with one swoop of the blade. She twirled the sword around her hand. And only on one hand. I grabbed the handle of the sword and started to lift it. She stopped in front of the pleading King and Queen, who are on their knees. They looked up to only be terrified. Libra has the blade of the sword behind, ready to swing the sword. Then she swung it.

"LIBRA!" a voice boomed through the court

She stopped right at the King's neck. She had only put a small cut on his neck. She heard that voice calling out her name. She withdrew her sword to turned her body to face her friends. Her glowing eyes were slowly fading away. Her sword disappeared. The voice that she heard was someone she had never heard before.

Her friends had looked over to see who yelled her name. There is a tall man with a pale complexion. He has long black hair which looks like he just ran his fingers through it. His lips are painted red. His eyes are black. He is wearing a black male bouse, black pants with the pant legs tucked into his black boots. His long leather jacket is black with red inside. The jacket has spikes on the shoulders. Around his neck is a Cross.

Libra had come back. She isn't blinded by her anger and sadness anymore. But everything had come back to her right before she passed out. The mysterious male had run over to her with unnatural speed and caught her before she had completely fallen on the ground.

"Who are you?" the demon behind Prince Shadow asked

"I'm Royalty, that is all you need to know" he answers as he brushed Libra's hair out of her face with his hand.

"What do you want?" Prince asked

"This woman, who is laying in my arms."

Everyone wasn't happy to hear this. All of them had their fists clenched. The male had noticed this and could only chuckle to himself. He finds it cute that they think they can hurt him. He had his eyes on Libra since she was a small child. Before she met anyone. He befriended her when she was three. He doesn't expect her to remember though. It has been 17 years old since they met and they only met three times.

The male picked up the white-haired girl. He loved that she fit in his arms. He carried her down the steps and went toward the group of Zodiacs and Demons. He smiled at the group briefly and then used his speed to get out of there with the girl in his arms. Everyone had no idea what just happened.

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