Chapter 20

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

He stood next to his car, not getting closer, for now. Maybe I should run? But where?

I know the Jungkook is supposed to come, so I should hope he'll be here soon.

"What are you doing out here alone?"

The man smirked at me and I felt like throwing up, I felt disgusted. I wanted to get away from this person.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

My silence probably started to annoy him as he took one step forward.

"I'm fucking talking to you!"

My body shivered in fear, the man looked dead serious and I just hoped Jungkook will arrive here already.

"P-Please, leave me alone".

"Oh, do you think I will? I guess you don't know who I am, because if you knew, you would have answered me.

So I don't think I'll leave you alone".

Just when he started walking toward me, another car pulled up next to the man's car.

I immediately felt relieved when Jungkook stepped out of the car. His eyes locked on the man in front of me.

He walked toward him and stood in front of me, blocking me from the man's view.

I felt protected and secured when Jungkook finally came here.

Something I could notice now was that Jungkook was taller than this random man. Jungkook was really tall.

Because he was wearing his black hoodie, I couldn't see his neck tattoos so well but I could see his hair moving slightly by the wind.

"Get in the car Y/N".

A chill ran down my spine as he said my name. It took me less than a second to run to Jungkook's car before getting next to the driver's seat.

Sitting inside I could see Jungkook arguing with the man and I could hear both of their voices loudly.

Jungkook looked mad and the man didn't seem to be moved by that.

Jungkook just glared at the man before walking to the car and driving away.

Seeing that he was still mad, I thought it's better to let him calm down a bit. After driving for 5 minutes he spoke first.

"Do you know him?"

"No, I've never seen him before".

I was shocked I said an entire sentence without shuttering.

He just hummed in response.

Jungkook makes me so scared but after what happened today, I felt different. I felt like even tho I was scared of him, I wanted to ask him about it.

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