Chapter 26

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov


My voice breaking as I try to slowly calm myself.

My mom?

The woman looked at me with pity, her eyes getting sadder the more she looked at me.

"If it's okay dear, we can sit down on this bench right over there? I'm not that young anymore."

A soft chuckle escaped her lips.

"Yes sure, we can go there."

Jungkook let go of my arm as he started walking toward the bench, the woman walked next to me, I could feel her eyes on me.

"What is your name dear?"

Looking to meet her soft gaze, I let a small smile form on my face.

"I'm Y/N."

She returned the smile.

"I'm Gloria."

I just nodded, too confused and scared to say anything more.

I didn't know what to feel or what to think.

Am I finally going to find out what happened to my family?

I'm not sure if I'm ready to find out.

Reaching the bench, Jungkook stood there, his facial expression is blank, he waited for us to sit down, before sitting down next to me.

I turned to look at Gloria, she was now sitting in front of me, Jungkook was right behind me.

She smiled sadly at me again.

This smile just breaks my heart.

If she already feels pity for me, what does it mean? What happened to my family?

"Your mother, she was-"

She looked away for a second, blinking some tears away as she let out a sigh.

"She is my best friend."

My heart tightens in my chest, my eyes focused on her, on her words.

"She lived here, in this town, she was part of a gang around here."

A gang? Not only my brother, but my mom was in a gang too?

"She was here for a while, then she met your father, Walter, he was in the same gang."

My dad's name is Walter, I feel like I want to hold on to this name, afraid I will forget it, that I'll forget everything she is telling me now.

Afraid that it's not real.

"They were in love, they didn't think about the far future too much."

I felt my heart break into pieces, thinking about them is something else, but hearing about them, makes me realize they are real.

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