Chapter 12

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Maybe it's not as high as it looks, I can break a leg or a hand but I don't think I'll die from the fall.

Looking outside, I can already tell it's going to be painful, but I have no other choice.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly sat on the edge of the window. Now it does feel really high, what am I doing?

Just as I'm about to jump, I can see a person in the distance, he's walking slowly, his figure is shaking, he looks like he's about to collapse.

I think he's drunk.

I was about to look away and at that exact moment we made eye contact. My breathing got caught in my throat, and I knew one thing for sure, I'm not going to jump there.

This man started running while stumbling in the process.
What is he doing?

"What do you think you're doing?"

My body froze with fear as the angry voice came from behind me.
I felt a shiver ran down my spine, I don't know what's worse, falling down there or being caught like this by them.

Carefully turning around, I saw Taehyung standing at the doorway, he didn't look too happy.

I wanted to say something but the fear got the best of me, I couldn't let a word out of my mouth.

I wanted to come back inside the room, but I realised I can't, my legs were frozen, I couldn't move them no matter how hard I tried.

I thought my fear of highs was gone by now, but apparently, it wasn't.

I heard footsteps getting closer to me,

"Get back inside, right now"

I want to, I really do, I was so stupid for even trying this, but can you blame me?

Getting into this kind of situation has messed with my thoughts, with noticing between right and wrong, with having a hold of the situation, with having the ability to stay strong.

"You really want all of them to know what you just tried to do? You don't know them as much as I do, you really don't.

Just believe me, you don't want them to know that, so you have your last chance."

"I c-can't"

I was surprised hearing my own voice, I  thought I wasn't able to say anything.
I was waiting, but still, nothing happened, he hadn't said anything back.

Suddenly I felt a hand grabbing my arm, pulling me inside the room.
I fell to the floor, feeling so relieved that I didn't even felt the pain.

"Get up, we all need to talk to you"

Without any other word he left the room, not waiting another minute I got up and followed him downstairs.

As I walked inside the living room, the room fell silent, all eyes were on me, making me want to disappear right now.

"Sit down"

Taehyung's voice broke the silence, making it less uncomfortable then it already has been.

I walked to a chair that was empty, sitting in front all of them, waiting for what they want to talk to me about.

There are not many options, they tried killing me before, they may as well do it now.

But from the small pieces I put together, they can't get rid of me yet.
'I got involved' as Jungkook has said. But what is that even mean?

And what about my foster parents, and Jungkook's girlfriend, I have so many questions and no answers at all.

"So, Y/N, for the time being, we'll need you, so killing you is not an option"

Jimin's words gave me some peace, in a way. Knowing that at least for now, I'm safe. I'll think of something to do when they wouldn't be needing me anymore.

"Don't think anything of it, if you'll try escaping or you'll do anything against us, we really would not need you anymore".

"As Yoongi said, it depends on how you'll do today"

Today? What does he mean by that?

"He means that you are going somewhere with one of us today, if you act like you should, you wouldn't die"

I looked at Jungkook, my eyes widen in shook, how did he know what I was thinking?

"It's not hard to read you and figure out what you're thinking about"

Hearing his voice again, I decided I'm going to stop thinking for the time being, I'll at least try.

"Today we have a meeting with someone, we decided that Jungkook and you will go there"

Trying not to show any emotion on my face, I kept looking down, but my heart was beating faster and faster.

"You don't have questions?"

I looked up to see Jimin looking at me, expecting me to replay, but I just couldn't, I had so many questions that I was afraid to ask.

I watched as Jungkook got up,
"Okay then, we're leaving"

He walked toward the door, I didn't know what to do so I didn't even move.
Jungkook turned around, looking me straight in the eyes, making me get up at that exact moment.

I quickly walked toward him, as he opened the door. We walked toward the same car we were in when we ran from those people in the woods.

Thinking back to that, about my foster parents, I knew something was off the first time I have met them, but I just thought I came to another weird place.

I didn't really think anything of it.

As we got in and Jungkook has started driving, I couldn't help myself but to glance at him, he looked...

I don't even know how to explain that, but I was afraid to do what I was going to do now.


Where did I found the courage to even talk to him? Saying his name felt weird to me, It made me feel strange but I shouldn't get used to it.

It was silent, I should have known he woul-

"What do you want?"

I didn't expect him to answer me, what am I going to do now? I have so many things to ask him, but what do I ask first?

"I wanted to apologise again, for earlier"

I don't know why I said that, from all the things I wanted to say, why did I had to mention his girlfriend again?

It was silent for what felt like forever and the next thing I know, Jungkook has stopped the car at the side of the road.


I know it's short, and it may not be great, but I'll try writing better next time.

I wanted to apologize for all of you. It's been a long time and I know I promised to update and I didn't, but I really didn't knew how to do that.

There was a lot going on and for some reason, I couldn't sit down and write and I had some kind of writer's block...

I wasn't really active on wattpad, I know a lot of you waited for this and I really wanted to do that for you.

I finally found myself writing again and I hope I would be able to write like I used to before.😊

Sorry again, I really appreciate every single one of you and I'm thankful to all of you.


I wanted to thank you all for 3k, I still can't believe it :)

Be safe everyone❤

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