Chapter 30

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( I really think this song is right to this chapter, so give it a try ^ ^)


"So that's the plan, got it?"

Still staring at Jungkook in shock, I slowly tried to process what he had just said.

Is he crazy?

How can he just say that as if it's nothing?

"So you're gonna stay here alone?"

Jungkook stared at me, eyes blanked, he looked annoyed and I don't know but he's been acting super strange lately.

He plays with my feelings, and I just don't know what to do.

Every time his eyes meet mine, my heart seems to skip a beat.

I slowly get used to the feeling, but at the same time, I feel surprised every time again.

"Why do you care? Just do what we told you to do."

His words felt like a knife cutting right through my heart.

"Jungkook! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Minji stepped out immediately, trying to defend me.

She knows exactly how I feel, hell at this point who doesn't?

It's so obvious to everyone, but myself.

"She worries about you, maybe you can stop acting like an asshole?!"

Jungkook didn't seem to faze, he looked unbothered as if he's used to her scolding him like that.

"Hey! All of you, calm the fuck down! We have more important things to deal with!

Deal with your love life later."

Jimin looked rather exhausted, not even mad.

But who can blame him, who can blame any of them, they have gone through so much and they didn't have a moment of proper rest.

I'm just making everything even worse.

"So as I've said, Jimin will take both of you to a safe place while I handle them.


At the last part of his sentence, his eyes were glued to mine.

Daring me to say something again, even tho I wanted to say something,

To tell him to not do it, to tell him that I worry for him.

I stayed silent.

But I was afraid, even if we have been through so many dangerous situations before, I've never really had the fear I have right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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