Chapter 17

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"What do you mean you found her? You know where she is?"

Glancing at Jungkook, I was looking for any sort of emotion in his eyes, but as usual, I couldn't find anything at all.

"Yeah and I'm going to take her, right now."

What is this? It hurts but it shouldn't, it bothers me but it shouldn't, why? Does he care for her that much?

"Wait Jungkook, tell us what happened first. How do you know where she is?"

"This asshole thought he'll get rid of me so he told me everything."

Does Jack know where Nari is? But he told me that he didn't know anything about the day that Nari disappear-

'Do you not know what lies are? Every person can lie and people like you buy it in a second. You don't even know me, but I'm pretty sure you believed everything I have just said.'

How stupid can I be? Why did I believe him?

Why I'm always believing in people that I shouldn't, I'm making the same mistake every time.

"Wait, so Nari ran away or someone has taken her?"

Namjoon was now standing in front of Jungkook, looking really inpatient, his eyes couldn't move away from him.

I don't know for how long Jungkook and Nari were together, or what her relationship to the rest of them was like.

Were they close to her?

"He said that the day Nari disappeared, Hyun actually offered her a deal."

Jimin has looked surprised, his eyes so wide and his mouth hung open revealing how shocked he was.

If he's reacting like that it means they have probably trusted her.

"You want to fucking tell me she went to them?!"

"Yoongi, I need to take her."

"Jungkook do you understand what you're fucking saying? Why would you want to take her, she betrayed us."

"I don't fucking care Jimin, I have my own reasons and I don't need to give them to you."

"I wouldn't stop you."

The room fell silent as Jin was now walking toward Jungkook, glancing at Namjoon at the process before returning his full attention to Jungkook again.

Namjoon was now walking out of the room upstairs without saying a word.

"But we're coming with you."

The sound of footsteps has caught everyone's attention, making us look toward the stairs.

Namjoon was now walking toward the group with a box in his hands.

He has opened the box to reveal guns, a lot of guns. Without any hesetion, he has taken them one by one, passing it to each one of them.

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