Chapter 10

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"I said no"

His voice was so low that it made me tense up.

I didn't even have to look at Jungkook to understand he wasn't happy at all.

Maybe I was wrong, not because of my decision, but because I forgot my place. I can't make decisions instead of him.

I think for a second I forgot what actually happened, where I was, in which situation and why.

I just acted by my emotions, without considering what is going on.

I was letting my heart decide instead of my head. I wasn't thinking.

He kidnapped me, I'm not in the position to even say something, but I just had to say it, I had to try.

But what about Nari, his girlfriend? He wouldnt just give up on her, wouldn't he?

I think he has something planned out in his head. By the way he seemed to be as Hyun mentioned Nari, there is just no way he'll let this thing go.

Hyun looked at me, his eyes turning darker as he stared deeply into my eyes, as if daring me to look away. I was afraid to do so, but I had to.

I glanced at Jungkook to see his eyes travelling to his right but in a second returning to look at Hyun.

What was he looking at?

I wanted to look there too but I realised that I probably shouldn't.

I looked at Hyun again, afraid he'll make any sudden movement. I didn't know what he may do.

"So because you don't agree, Jungkook, the deal is changing."

What can he say now? What else can he try to do? Is trying to switch me with Jungkook's girlfriend wasn't enough?

"How about,

I'll just kill both of you?"

Okay that's worst, Is he really going to kill us both right now? I think I can't stand anymore, this whole pressure is too much.

I looked past Hyun to see his group of people, with now guns in their hands.

The guns were down, for now.

Without hesitation, Jungkook sent his hand to his back pocket, grabbing the gun in less than a second.

Jungkook has only one gun while they are a group of people.

Trying to keep my eyes open, I struggled the feeling of my body giving up.

"You can try, but did you forgot what happened last time?"

Hyun was caught off guard at that answer. For some reason, he instantly looked to his sides,

As if he expected something to happen right after what Jungkook has just said.

I'm wondering what Jungkook meant. I already know Hyun knows Jungkook from the past. I also know he knows something about his girlfriend...

It's a lot, and there is even more. I'm probably not ready yet to think it all over.

There was silence, no one said anything, no one moved. We just waited, for what? I don't know.

The silence was interrupted by the sound of branches breaking.


It came from every direction. I heard it from behind us, from our every side, but who could it be. At this time?

I looked at my right side to see a familiar figure walking toward us. I tried hard to understand who it was until he came closer.

And I recognised him.

It's Jimin.

Looking to my other side, I saw now three unfamiliar people walking toward us as well.

The first one was tall, his hair was a dark brown color. I couldn't see his face clearly, it was too dark.

Before I could look again at the two other guys who were standing next to him I heard something.

A chill run down my spine when I heard people getting closer from behind me, I looked over to see two people.

They looked familiar as well.

I know them, I can't forget them even if I'll try to.

I also recognized one of them as the man who pointed the gun at me at that abounded house, Yoongi.

The other was the man the unknowingly saved me before I could have been shot, Taehyung.

They all caught up and were now standing beside us. and from every side.

It's just then when I noticed each of then had a gun in his hand.

Now we are more than them.

"Wow, it's been a long time all of you"

Hyun said looking at everyone before continuing,

"But I was in the middle of something"

Yoongi stood next to Jungkook.
I tried my best to listen to what he told him, but I only got to hear the end of it.

"So go when I'll tell you and take Y/N with you."

"What, no Yoongi, I'm staying here and I'm-"


Jungkook stayed quiet, he didn't say anything back.

What are they planning to do?

I saw Yoongi looking at one of the guys standing to my right, making eye contact with him before returning his attention to Hyun.

The only thing I could hear was a gunshot and before realising what has happened I felt a hand grabbing my wrist, making me run along with this person.

I just knew I needed to run.

I could now look at that person, it was Jungkook.

If Jungkook wasn't holding me, I would have fallen already.

We ran until we came to the road which brought us inside the woods.

We kept running.

That's the only thing we did.



So again I wrote too much and I didn't want to make it too long so I made it as two chapters.

Here's chapter 10 and because chapter 11 is kinda ready and I know I didn't uploaded in some time...

I'm going to upload the next chapter already tomorrow :)

I hope you enjoyed reading and please take care♡

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