Chapter 16

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

I don't like this, I don't like this feeling, the one that's telling me that I lost.

I felt it way too many times, this feeling that's burning inside of me. I felt it before, I felt it and I hated it. Knowing that I don't have a hold on my own life, knowing that I wouldn't feel happiness again.

I thought I had this, I actually believed I that I can to that, but I failed.

Walking in this dark hallway, cells at every side. The cells looked like they were empty for a long time and that doesn't make me feel any better.

If the cells weren't in any use, what are those prisoners he's been talking about? Where he held them? At the same rooms, I and Jungkook were in? And what happened to them?

Jack is walking ahead of us while Jungkook is by my side, Jack's men are holding both of us, making me sigh in defeat.

Suddenly Jungkook has stumbled and almost fell, making a big thud with his legs as he tried to make himself steady again.

The man holding him, tightens his grip on Jungkook's arms even tighter making it painful to watch.

Jack turn around looking at Jungkook with a suspicious look on his face, and then it hit me.

'Your leg is going to hurt. You'll start feeling the pain right after I'm going to stumble. The pain you'll feel would be so painful that you wouldn't be able to walk anymore, got it?'

Jungkook's words had rushed to my mind, I started looking sad, making my face blocked to any other emotion from pain while inside I was smiling.

I knew he had a plan.

I understood immediately what I needed to do, I just need to make it as realistic as possible.

Jack has kept walking and the men kept pushing us forward, not letting us a chance to escape them.

Forcing myself against the man who was holding me, he stopped. Confused at my sudden act, everyone had stopped in their places.

Not hearing the loud footsteps behind him anymore, had turned around to look at Jungkook and me.

"Are you playing with me? I made plans for the both of you today and you can't escape that."

I need to act fast, that is my only chance. Slowly I started leaning toward the floor while shifting my weight from one leg to another.

I realised that everyone was looking at me when there was silent, no one said anything nor moved.

"Why did you stop?"

"I can't walk."

"I don't care, now keep walking."

"I can't."

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