Chapter 1

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I can't do this, moving to a different family, a different place again, I'm tired of this already.

Feeling loved is not something I'm familiar with, maybe when I was 7 years old I felt loved by my foster family then.

I had some amazing families who made me feel belonged and important, but as I was getting older, it got worse and worse.

Now I'm 18 and I can't be independent until I will be 19 or older.

I really don't know why, but at first, it was, 'You'll be free at 16', and when I turned 16 it turned to 17 and when I turned 17 the official age for my freedom got far again.

I don't think I'll ever be free.

Taking my only bag I got up from my seat as the driver stopped.

I went down from the bus. I was the only person getting down at that destination, which made me feel a little bit scared.

I looked around to see people walking in the streets and they looked at me...


they were staring at me.

I looked away from them and took the note I got from my old foster family from my bag.

Looking at the note I couldn't see the name of a street or a house number, it was just directions. Well, that's kinda odd...

It was getting dark already, so I need to get going.

I started following the directions, turning right and walking for a while.

I kept walkimg until I saw a big house that was looking exactly as it was described in the note, and then I turned right again.

From what I understood I needed to keep walking straight and I will probably see the place then.

I saw a dark alley,

Looking at the note I saw they wrote that I need to go through that alley.

I'm pretty sure this family is trying to kill me already...

It's so dark.

Always in the movies the killer is in the alley and then someone gets in and you know what happens next.

Yeah, they die, I don't want to die, we'll maybe I'm overreacting, but still.

I took a deep breath, slowly walking toward the alley, I kept walking quietly.

I heard a voice from deep in the alley, the moment I heard the voice, I froze in my place.

My heart is beating so fast I could hear it in my ears.

Maybe I should turn around and run?

But whoever is there will hear me...
I don't know what to do! I'm so scared, I can't move my legs.

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