Chapter 4

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I can hear muffled voices, but I don't understand what I'm hearing exactly.

Opening my eyes slowly, everything is blurry.

I try to rub my eyes but I can't, I understand that my hands are tied up behind my back.

Struggling to free myself I notice that I'm sitting on a chair and my legs are tied up as well.

It's hopeless, I can't do that...
I look around to see I was in a small room which looked like a basement.

It has an old dusty mattress on the floor and this chair in the middle of the room, that I was currently sitting on.

The only door I could see was in front of me, there wasn't any windows here at all.

I can't escape.

My heartbeat is the loudest thing I can hear now.

Maybe I should just concentrate on that, it could calm me down. I started counting down my heartbeat, but I lost count.

I can't do anything I'm way too scared.

The person who brought me here, I guess it's the same person who came behind me when I was walking to the store.

I doubt my foster family care at all if I wouldn't come back. I'm just a bother.

The only thing that they would be worried about is probably the fact they lost their opportunity to have a maid, to earn money, to live how they want to.

But I can't remember anything after I heard his voice. I don't know how I got here.

But I'm sure he took me here.

This person,

It was...


There is no way I would forget his voice, I can never get his voice out of my head.

His deep voice, I would always recognize it.

The muffled voices I heard earlier became more clear now.

"We really don't have the fucking time to deal with such things now".

It was an angry voice I couldn't recognize. Just hearing the anger in his voice made me terrified.

"Well, I couldn't just finish it there."

That's him, Jungkook. He sounded calm but I could sense the annoyance in his voice.

"Just calm the fuck down, we'll just do it now and that's it".

This voice was actually familiar to me, like I heard it before. But I don't remember when...

Suddenly the door shoved open loudly and 3 good looking guys walked in.

They were definitely scary, the expressions on their faces was blank and they were just looking at me.

I looked at them to see I was right. I recognized one of them, Jungkook.

The room had some light, so now I could see his neck tattoos clearly. I'm curious about the reason he got them, or maybe it's with no reason at all.

I'm just curious about him, even though I know I shouldn't.

His gaze was making me nervous, It made my breathing speed up even more.

I glanced at the other two, one of them had white hair, he looked really annoyed. His eyes were looking directly at me.

Well, if looks could kill...

The other person had blonde hair and he was looking at me as well.

I think I saw him somewhere...

I know him!

He was with Jungkook the night they killed this man in the alley.

His name is...

Jimin I think.

I'm starting to get really really frightened.

But what made my heart drop was the gun I saw Jimin was holding.

When they said they would 'finish it now', they meant...

They are going to kill me right?

I felt tears at the edge of my eyes slowly falling down my cheeks.

I didn't let out any voice, I tried holding myself. I could see Jimin walking toward the door and closing it.

"So, I will not make this long".

The guy with the white hair says looking at Jungkook while he just nodded in return.

"Please, p-please", I said sobbing.

I can't hold myself back anymore, I can die.

So I should at least die knowing I tried, that I didn't give up. They all looked at me with the same way, no emotion, nothing.

How could they do this?

"It's too late now kitten", Jungkook said, his eyes fixed on me.

My entire body went numb, I couldn't even try to struggle anymore. Like my body already gave up.

"Yoongi, should I?", Jimin asked, looking at the guy with the white hair.

"I will do it this time Jimin, I don't have fucking time for this".

Yoongi said as he took the gun from Jimin and walked toward me.

I started crying silently. No matter how my life went, I still don't want to die.

Yoongi was now in front of me, pressing the cold metal gun to my temple.

I began to shake, I have to try one more time.

One last time...

"P-please, I will f-forget any of this has ever happened,

I p-promise".

My voice was shaking, I barely managed to breathe.

Yoongi looked at me in the eyes,

"I don't like it when people are promising me stuff just like that.
A word is a word to me,

It's too late now".


Hope you like it ^_^

I know it took some time for this chapter, but it's here now.

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