Chapter 7

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Jungkook walked toward the entrance door and opened it. I didn't think twice before walking out of the door outside.

It was very cold and dark, I could barely see anything.

I don't know what happened earlier, when I heard the gunshot, but luckily when we walked through the hallway I didn't see anything.

Jungkook walked out as well and started walking toward his car, with me following behind him.

Just when we came to his car, I saw him looking at something from behind me.

I turned around to see 2 people getting inside the back seat of a car and driving away.

"Get in, now"

Jungkook's voice was deep and his eyes looked dark.

I don't know if he's angry or annoyed right now, but it's best for me to just listen to him.

As we both got inside, Jungkook started driving at the same direction the car I saw before was driving to.

The road was nearly empty from cars or people, but as we kept driving I could recognize the car from before in the distance.

Jungkook started slowing down and when I looked at him I could see him focused on that car.

I looked outside the window to see that as we drove further, there weren't buildings anymore.

At every side of the road, I saw trees, a lot of trees.

We came to a turn, but that car ahead of us kept driving straight.

Jungkook turned right and kept driving for what seemed like two minutes until he stopped the car and turned the engine off.

I don't know what's going on, but I don't want to do this, whatever this is.

There is no way I'm going outside right now, in this dark, with him.

And to know we are following some people, that I have a feeling are not good.

I'm just scared, a lot.

"You need to listen to me and do as I tell you"

I looked at him to see his serious and dark eyes looking at mine.


I said quietly while looking away from him, but I'm sure he could feel the nervousness in my voice.

He went out of the car and I closed my eyes for a second, telling myself it will be alright before getting out of the car as well.

"Walk close to me"

I looked at him to see he was already looking at me, waiting for some kind of response. I just nodded and he kept walking.

I couldn't really answer him, I didn't know what to say, how to react, I don't even know what's going on.

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