Chapter 3

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Something is definitely out there, I think someone is there. Should I go check by myself?

Walking out of my room, I slowly walked toward the main door, careful not to make any noise.

The moment I opened the door, a cool breeze hit my skin, It felt so good, so refreshing. Inhaling the fresh air, I closed my eyes.

It felt different, I could let myself imagine that I'm in a different place, in a different situation, a different life, I felt free.

Remembering what brought me here, I walked to the street. looking around, I can see that nothing is here.

I think my mind is playing tricks on me. I look around once more to be sure.

But now I can see something, It's a person. He's standing not so far away from me but not so close either, but just enough for me to see him.

I don't even need to think twice, It's him.
I can't forget his face, even though I'm trying, I know it's him. He was just standing there, looking at me.

I felt my heartbeat rise, suddenly it was hard to breathe, he came for me, didn't he?

I feel like I'm going to faint, my heart beats so fast in a way I don't think it is even possible.

I don't think my heart can take it, I can't take it.

My legs started to tremble, slowly making me lose my balance, I can feel myself falling, It's going to hurt, a lot.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the strong hit. But it never came.

Opening my eyes, I looked around to see that I was in my room again.

How did I get back here?

My heart still beats so fast, I feel as if I ran for miles.

Standing up I tried walking back and forth in the small space I have, in an attempt to make my heartbeat normal again and to calm myself down.

It was just a dream...

It felt so real, I was so sure I saw him. It felt weird dreaming about someone, considering the fact, that I don't remember when was the last time that I dreamed about someone in particular.

I'm pretty sure it's because he was on my mind a lot.

I can't forget what he told me that night, and it makes me even more terrified.
I hope he forgot about me, as he said, I'm just one of many witnesses.

I need to seriously stop thinking about this, it would not make things any better.

Taking some clothes from my bag, a hairbrush, and a toothbrush, I walked out of my room.

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