Chapter 9

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"How do you fucking know her?! Where is she?!"

I flinched when Jungkook yelled at the man, he was angry and I could see his all figure tense.

The man didn't even budge, he wasn't moved by that, he wasn't even a bit scared.

My eyes travelled to Jungkook's hands to see him clenching them into fists.

I couldn't see his face but his voice was enough for me to understand he was extremely mad.

"Well well Jungkook, is that a way to greet your old time friend?"

The man in front of us chuckled but immediately stopped, looking directly at Jungkook. His expression now changed to a serious one.

I could see Jungkook's back heaving up and down, I don't know if its because he was running like crazy a while ago, or because he was so mad.

"Stop this bullshit and fucking tell me WHERE IS SHE!"

I never heard Jungkook this mad before, even back then, at that alley when he screamed at that person, it wasn't like now.

Because this whole situation is different.

If Jungkook is that mad over her, I guess he cares for her a lot.

"Listen here Jungkook, you want your girlfriend back don't you?"

The man said, I could see a smirk forming on his face.

My heart skipped a beat.

So Nari is Jungkook's girlfriend...

I felt weird.

I couldn't understand what I was feeling exactly, I just knew it made me feel uneasy.

"I see that you still-"

"Get to your fucking point, "Jungkook said before the man could finish his sentence.

I could sense the frustration in his deep voice.

"Okay then, you want me to just say it, so I will"

It started to annoy Jungkook, I could see it from the way he stood and I could hear it from the way he spoke.

This man is really playing with him, he's just doing it on purpose.

We waited for a few seconds in silent until the man spoke again,

"Wait, Jungkook, you're not going to introduce me to her?"

My body froze when Jungkook turned to look at me and so did all of those people.

I felt like I hadn't left any air to breathe.

"Are you going to stay behind him forever?"

I didn't know what to do, but I felt like I have to do this, I'm in this now.

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