Chapter 13

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The silence is killing me, I don't know what to do. Should I say something?

"Look at me"

His voice was scaring me, I didn't want to look at him, I regret saying anything. I should have just kept quiet.

"Don't make me say that again"

Slowly turning to face him, I saw again the same thing in his eyes as I saw before when I have mentioned Nari.

Too afraid to say anything to him, my eyes just kept looking at his dark ones.

I saw something else, his eyes were showing something else and just like that, it was gone again.

"I told you not to talk about her"

Somehow, meeting his eyes made me feel something weird, I felt nervous and scared but I had this weird feeling that I could'nt recognize.

I didn't want to look away, even though I know I should. My heart started beating faster and my mind was a mess, I didn't know what to do.

Breaking our eye contact, Jungkook looked at the road, before he kept driving.

I actually felt bad, I don't know the story and I don't have the right to ask him about it.

But still, I wanted to ask him another thing, even though I was afraid to do so.


"I am going to kill you if you say anything else"

Jungkook is so mysterious that even though I know he's dangerous, something is pulling me toward him.

It may just be me turning insane, but it may be real.

The drive made me feel even more uncomfortable now, but I figured It's for the best.

Sometimes silence is an answer and it may be his way to answer me, this could be his way of dealing with his thoughts or with his past.

In a way, I wanted to know what he's thinking about right now, what he's feeling. I would like to know more about him, but I know that's not possible.

Sometimes we can dream, even if we know it will forever stay that way, a dream.

After what felt like forever, I noticed we were now in a neighbourhood. For a second I thought Jungkook had made a mistake and drove back to his house. But he's too smart for making such a mistake.

The area looks similar, scary, abandoned and creepy.

After driving deep into the neighbourhood, I noticed a place that looked like a small building.

The outside walls had lost their original color a long time ago and are now replaced with a dark color spreading all over them.

But I know for sure now that it's not Jungkook's neighbourhood, it's extremely similar, but it makes sense why it's similar.

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