Chapter 14

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Slowly opening my eyes, I tried to clear my vision.

I'm currently in a small room, everything is dark except for a small light coming from the light bulb on the ceiling,

That looks as if it's about to fall down at any moment.

Right in front of me, I saw a door, it was made of metal and I could see it had a code to open it.

The floor was cold and the almost full darkness in the room made it feel even colder.

I could feel all the memories from what has happened rushing back to me at once. The only thing that I could catch on to was the fact that they have caught me.

I remember seeing Jungkook in the distance, I screamed his name and he looked at me.

It was way too far for me to see the look he had on his face, but I'm pretty sure there was nothing there. The emotion I'm looking for whenever I'm looking at him, It's never there.

It's like going from one prison to another, It should feel the exact same to me. It both cases I was kidnapped, I don't know any of my kidnappers at all. I shouldn't care where I'm being held at, it supposed to feel the same.

But why it does feel different?

I feel the same feeling, this feeling of fear, of not knowing what is going to happen to me.

But for some reason, I felt that I'm missing something, something that I can't point out yet.

The sound of the heavy metal door opening interrupted my thoughts. Even though it was dark, the small light could be enough for me to see who was walking inside.

And it was the person I feared the most, the person with the smile that can hunt my dreams, the person I knew from the moment I first saw him, that I would never want to see again.

"How did you sleep? I hope you were comfortable enough".

He's probably kidding me, he has to be messing with me. The smile on his face didn't help me at all. Is he smiling because he's joking right now or he's actually serious?

"You know nothing about him".

Confused at the sudden change in his words, what does he's talking about right now? He has jumped from one thing to another without having any connection between them at all.


"Oh don't act dumb, you know who I'm talking about. You really don't know what you have got yourself into.

Have you met his gang members? Or does he keep you locked and only informs you once in a while on what's going on?"

His gang members? Yeah, I have met them, but what this has to do with Jack? He sounds pissed as he talks about Jungkook and I wonder why.

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