Chapter 11

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It became hard to breath, but I knew I couldn't give up. Not like I did back then.

I couldn't get rid of the thought that they were after us. I didn't really saw what happened, so for all I know they may be just behind us.

As we run, I kept glancing behind to make sure they weren't there.

We finally made it to Jungkook's car and he didn't have to tell me a thing.
I quickly got inside the passenger seat and closed the door behind me.

I tried calming my breathing down, I was feeling as if there wasn't any air left to breathe.

Jungook got into the driver's seat and closed the door as well, driving away.
He drove really fast at first, but after a while, he slowed down.

My breathing became steady now. My heart was beating fast but I tried calming it down as well by taking deep breaths.

Jungkook kept driving for what felt like forever.

It was dark outside but I could see it was slowly getting brighter.

I avoided asking Jungkook questions even though I had a lot, I didn't want to make him angry.

Jungkook drove until I saw he got in some kind of a neighborhood, but it has barely any houses in it.

The houses that were there, are far from each other and they looked big but the area didn't look too good.

Jungkook parked the car at the driveway of one of the houses at the far end of the neighborhood.

"Get out"

I got out right after he said so. He turned the engine off and got out of the car as well.

He looked back at me, is if telling me to come next to him. Probably so I wouldn't run.

I walked toward Jungkook, his gaze making me feel so scared. I think he's really mad, and I understand why.

But I'm not meaning to cause him trouble, I'll do anything so they wouldn't want to get rid of me.

We walked toward the entrance door and Jungkook opened it.

I was scared it was like back then when they took me. Is it an abandoned house? A place where they could kill me and no one will see or hear?

I hope not.

As I was getting inside I realised that this place wasn't as I imagined to myself. It was an actual home, with furniture. It's not abandoned for sure.

Jungkook went to the sofa that was in the open living room, he sat there while running his hand through his hair.

I remembered he has then that once. When we were at that motel. He was really frustrated back then, so I guess he's now too.

I didn't know what to do, so I kept standing a couple of steps ahead of the main door, I didn't want to do anything.

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