Chapter 5

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That's it.

I don't think I deserve to die like this, but I guess this is it. My life wasn't easy but I never completely gave up, I had some hope left.

Hope that something will change.
Hope that I will get a happy life.
Hope that I would be loved,
I just want to be happy.

I closed my eyes, the tears kept falling down in realization, that I lost.

I took a big breath while I heard the sound of the gun being loaded. I felt the gun being pressed even harder to my temple.

The only thing heard in the room was my silent sobbing.

I felt as if my heart was going to explode.

I wish it wasn't happening right now, I wi-


My eyes immediately opened.

The door shoved open and revealed a really angry guy who looked just as scary as them.

He had brown hair but his hoodie was hiding most of it. His eyes looked just as I was expecting from anyone related to them,

Ready to kill.

He looked angry and annoyed.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Taehyung?!"

Yoongi yelled at the guy who was standing at the door.

My eyes traveled to the side of the room to see Jungkook and Jimin looking at Taehyung as well.

If there was a window here, I would have taken this chance to escape.

I don't know how, but it could have been great timing.

Only If I'm ignoring the fact that they probably would catch me before I will be able to even look behind me.

Or they would have just killed me before I could do anything.

"He's here".

Was the only words left Taehyung's mouth.

Those words were all it took for the three other guys to make eye contact with each other.

Looking at them I was even more confused now. Who are they talking about?

Yoongi glanced at me and I shifted my gaze to the floor.

"We need to leave, NOW."

I heard Yoongi say.

"But what about her?" Jungkook said.

I felt that everyone was now looking at me and it made me feel even worse.

I looked up to see all of them staring at me. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable.

"We really don't have time for this, Yoongi just Fucking listen to me".

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