Chapter 18

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"That's the place, who's going?"

"I'm going."

"Wait Jungkook, you can't go alone. You need to take one of the girls with you, so you wouldn't look suspicious."

My eyes widen in surprise, why do I need to get in this again?

Nari is Jungkook's girlfriend, she should go with him, I have nothing to do with this.

Jungkook was just sitting at the front, looking back at us, his eyes not moving away from Nari.

Nari was looking right back at him, a small smile forming on her face in realisation that Jungkook is choosing her.

Why in a way I have hoped for something different?

"Y/N, come on, we're going."

Jungkook broke his eye contact with Nari and got out of the car.

I turned to look at Nari, the shock was on both of our faces, she wasn't expecting this either.

Not wanting to make Jungkook wait, I unbuckled my seatbelt, opening the door and getting outside.

"Hold my hand."

Confused, I have looked at his hand, staring at it.

Should I hold his hand? What is he thinking about?

Not leaving me with any other choice, Jungkook's hand has grabbed mine.

My heart started beating faster and I hoped he wouldn't be able to notice how nervous he was making me.

"Just keep quiet and we'll be out of here."

Not finding any words to say at the moment I nodded in agreement, looking at him, he was so calm and casual, like it's nothing.

It didn't mean anything to him, but for me it did. I have never done this before and I know it's wrong, but I like it.

We started walking toward the entrance, I looked behind me to see the two cars parked right next to each other.

I don't know what's going on and what the plan is exactly but I just know that I need to act along if I want to be safe and to not cause any trouble.

As we came closer, there was a person, wearing a suit who was standing right in the middle of the entrance.


"And who are you exactly?"

"Jeon Jungkook."

The look on his face had immediately changed, fear was the only thing he was showing now, his eyes looking down while he moved aside, letting us in.

I wonder what those people know about him that makes them so scared of him.

Still holding my hand, Jungkook had walked next to me as we got inside.

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