Chapter 15

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My whole body froze at the sound of his voice, I could see him walking toward me but I just stood frozen in place.

"You have to be fucking kidding me".

Jack wasn't looking too happy, at least the creepy smile he always had on his face was gone now.

I couldn't bare seeing it again.
I looked over Jack to see someone sitting at the corner of the room but I couldn't see him clearly enough.

I didn't even think about the possibility that Jack would be in here, I wasn't thinking of anything else apart from opening that door.

"Well congratulations for escaping your room, but that was a wrong move you have just made.

I was thinking about making it easier for you but I guess not. You're going to stay here. That would be easier."

Walking right past me, Jack had closed the door loudly, making me jump in my place.

When the door closed I let out a shaky breath. I can't understand anything anymore. What would be easier for him?

For a second I forgot there is another person in here with me.

I don't know what I felt more, scared or relieved. Should I say something?

It could be some random person that Jack took and he may be dangerous. It could be that he was letting me stay in here on purpose.

"Stop staring."

My heart started rising up in my chest, it was loudly fast and I could have bearly heard anything else apart from my heartbeat.

Looking at the man who was now standing up, I knew who it was and I have never failed to recognize his voice.

He took slow steps toward me, my heart started beating faster and faster making my mind go blank completely.

How did they catch him too? Or did he came to help me out? I wanted to ask him so much, especially after everything I have just heard from Jack.

As he walked out of the darkness that was covering him
,I saw the darknes in his eyes, the scary look that told me to look away but I rufsued.

The hoodie that was now laying on his back, revealing his dark messy brown hair.

I felt weird staring at him and I knew he was looking at me now, not so pleased with me being here and from the fact that we're here because of me.

But one thing had caught my attention the most. Looking at his face I could still see the marks he had after he fought with Jack, but they did not look so fresh anymore.

"I said, stop staring."

This time I listened, I could hear the anger in his voice and I thought it's better to just listen to him right now.

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