Chapter 25

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A/NThis is a really long chapter lol

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This is a really long chapter lol

Y/N's pov

"It's good to see you too Max."

A small smile formed on the man's face.

"You know what I mean Jimin, I thought and I still do think that it's not good that you came here, but if you're already here, come in".

He let all of us in quickly, we started walking toward the big door.

Next to the door stood two guards, their facial expressions were blank.

I could feel my body tense as my eyes caught sight of the guns they were holding.

No matter how many times I'm going to see guns from this close, it still terrifies me.

Opening the door, the guards stepped aside, letting us in.

This unfamiliar man, Max, stopped walking suddenly.

He looked at all of them before his eyes landed on me, my stomach started twisting.

I felt uneasy under his gaze.

"Who is this one?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Jin, still got the same answers as always.

All of you, I'm glad to see that you're alive."

He gave them a sincere smile.

It seems as if this guy knows them for a long time.

I knew who these guys are, I knew that they are always at risk and that the life they have, is not normal at all.

The life they are living, always having the possibility of something happening to them, that's terrifying.

Don't they want to build a future? A safe one? To not be afraid of the unknown, of what can happen if they lose their guard?

Are they even afraid?

On the other hand, it looks like they have been in this world, almost for their entire lives.

They probably don't know anything different.

Jungkook himself told me he's in this gang since he was 14.

That's such a young age, he's probably used to all of this by now.

"I have some food for all of you, come sit in the living room."

Walking into the big living room, I saw another guard, he was standing at the end of the room.

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