Chapter 8

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I don't understand, what's going on? Why are they here and how do they know those people?

I didn't really had enough time to get to know them, I don't even know their names.
But I'm still surprised to see them here, in this situation.

I guess somewhere deep inside, I hoped they were fine. That maybe they were good people with bad past, but I don't know anymore.

I guess Jungkook sensed my reaction to the man's voice because he looked back at me, to see me looking straight at my foster parents.

I could see in the corner of my eye Jungkook turning back to look at the group again.

"But she wasn't there. One of my people was waiting for her next to the store, but she never fucking came"

His voice was showing nothing else but anger.

"W-we really don't know what happened, we sent Y/N as we promised you"

The woman spoke, her voice shaking while the man in front of them started playing with his gun like it's a toy.

My whole body froze when I realised she said my name.

Maybe I heard wrong, there is no way they are talking about me. What do I have to do with this? How did I get involved in this?

Now it's all coming back to me, the day they sent me to the store, it looked completely normal.

But when I think back to that day, I remember how this woman seriously insisted that I will go by her directions, it was too specific.

It looks like that day was all planned, it was a trap. One of his men should have taken me, he waited for me, but I never came.

Because Jungkook took me first.

It all makes sense now.

"Now you both listen. We made a deal, so that means you're going to find her and bring her to me.

If you will, you'll get the money, but if you don't, you'll die"

The man with the gun said, chuckling at the end of his sentence.

So they made this deal for the money? And now they are going to look for me.

Why do I feel like I don't want to be found?

Is it weird that somehow I feel relieved knowing Jungkook took me before those people could?

Even if Jungkook would end up killing me, I don't think he'll let me suffer. He didn't hurt me until now, and for some reason, I don't think he would.

He scared me and I can't say he was nice and kind to me, but if he wanted to hurt me, he would have done that way before.

My leg started going numb as we kept standing here for what seemed like forever.

I tried moving my leg, which made me stumble a bit, causing a really loud noise of branches breaking under my feet.

The whole group was now looking to our direction, searching for us in the dark, but they couldn't see us, we were standing behind the tree.

My breathing stopped and I felt terrified. I looked at Jungkook to see him slowly taking one step back,

"We are going to run"

He said quietly, I just nodded feeling as if I'm going to get a heart attack.


We started to run while we heard behind us screams, telling us to stop, but we didn't.

We kept running and running, my breathing became loud and heavy, I felt as if I would just pass out.

Jungkook was far ahead of me, he runs really fast.

I heard those people, they were running as well, and I could hear them getting closer to me.

I can't keep running, I feel like my body is going to betray me, I just can't.

I stopped, trying to catch my breath. I looked behind me to see them in the distance, but they were getting closer to me, in seconds.

Looking forward again I saw Jungkook running at an extremely fast speed, toward me.

It took him less than a second to be in front of me,

"Get on my back, NOW!"

He bends down and I went on his back without even considering that. He held my legs while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I felt uncomfortable, I didn't want to bother him. My heartbeat was getting faster and faster but my breathing slowly became steady again.

I don't know how's that even possible.

Jungkook kept running with me on his back, I held him tighter, too scared to let go of him.

They were catching up and we could now hear them from just behind us.

"It's him!"

"Boss, It's Jungkook"

"I would have stopped if I was you!"

Jungkook kept running and I felt bad for him, I wanted to help him but I didn't know how to.

He was carrying me because he saw I couldn't keep running anymore, he could have just left me there.

But I'm taking this all in the wrong way. They took me for a reason, they can't just let me go like that.

I guess it felt nice thinking differently, even if it's not true.

Those people weren't giving up, they kept saying stuff, some of them we heard and some we didn't.

"So you forgot about Nari?"

That sentence was loud and clear, it made Jungkook stop immediately.

He turned around, facing all of them now, who already caught up to us. We could now see all their faces.

Now I saw my foster parents clearly, it was really them.

A man with a gun in his hands started walking toward us. It was this man talking with them back there.

I don't know what Jungkook is thinking right now, but I think they know each other.

Jungkook put me down and I stood behind him.

My heart is about to explode, I really think this whole stress is going to take over me. I don't know how to handle it.

No matter what they told him he kept running. So why did he stop now?

Who's Nari?

Why hearing that name made him stop without even thinking twice? It must be someone important to him, right?

This man was now in front of Jungkook. He was smiling and a smirk started to form on his face.

"Jungkook, we finally meet again"



So here is chapter 8, I hope you enjoyed reading♡

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