Chapter 1

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Chapter title: Anko

I looked into his eyes smiling, I never knew I could smile this much, everything had happened so fast I couldn't believe it.

How did I get so lucky?

Amir saleh. The most charming guy ever. I just married the most charming, handsome, loving guy ever!

He loves me.

I love him!.

I just got married to him!

We were in the middle of the dance floor, dancing. people around us were also dancing and taking pictures and videos of us, the couple.

We were the couple of the week, the month, the year for all I could tell

Me and him were facing each other.

What was he thinking? I wondered

Was he also ecstatic like I was?

He smiled at me and just then I knew he was happy too.

We danced, I laughed as he twirled me around
I moved closer to him laying my head on his chest as we moved slowly to my favorite song No crime by nonso Amadi.

This has been my dream and it's happening now.

this is the beginning of something big, exciting and beautiful I thought.

End of flashback.

Ajzaira's pov.

I shaked my head getting back to typing on
My laptop.

I was daydreaming again about my wedding day with Amir, it's like I'll go crazy one of these days.

Now I live on memories.

What ever I did I couldn't help going back to thoughts of when I thought my happiness begun but here I am now, a mess, at work.

I finally finished what I was typing. I couldn't believe it, even though I kept zoning out I still manage to finish my work early these days.

I was done 40 minutes early

If this was before I'd be happy because the extra time I got away from work I would rush to meet Amir at his own office so we could talk but now I can't do so.

Should I stay in or go home I wondered Just then my phone rung I checked the caller ID and it was Aisha

"Hello." I answered

"Hey aj are you still at work?" She asked.

"Yeah, but I'm done now."

"Okay, can you come over the lady with the atamfas is here and there are great colors I don't know which to choose for us." She said

"Okay I'll be there in a few minutes."

"See ya." She hung up

Aisha has been my best friend for as long as I can remember.

Her sister humairah, who is also my friend is getting married by December so me and Aisha are having an anko which was why she needs me to help choose one for us.

I stood up putting my files inside my bag and switching off my laptop.

I closed my office walking out as the other workers bid me goodbye.

I'm a journalist and an editor, most of the time an editor I sit in my office or at home, and edit works that I later send to my superiors for confirmation and once in awhile I got to get out of my office to report and write on things, I love both the editing and journalism part, and chasing my dreams was the best choice I made, because if only I choose my marriage, right now I would've said I had nothing for myself.

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