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I'm gonna not write this in quoting but in italics so enjoy
I hope I'm not messing up locations and nationalities
Cause I seriously don't remember what I wrote in the previous chapters and I'm feeling weird to read an already published writing 🤦‍♀️
The whole time I know I'll shut my eyes and be like that omg my friends actually read that?
They'll think I'm crazy and shii

But we mueeevveee....

Well for starters my name is ajzaira, my mom is Nigerian

When She was 14 she traveled to Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 and she met my dad

In a hotel she stayed in

She was a go getter she spoke to him first

And they became friends

She left the country

But eventually went back to see him

And they were young

She went back at 17

They ran off to a mosque and got a malan to get them married

Just like that they were married

Their parents didn't even know

They you know consummated their marriage and my mom got pregnant

Their families found out but they weren't much pissed

After having me after like 7 or 5 years I think they had problems

Filled for divorce and my dad got custody

I stayed their
With my dad

At the hotel

It was really depressing being their I felt as if there was a home Awaiting me

But there wasn't really

And lucky me one beautiful day my mom was back to take me

Cause the custody was shared he'd keep me for those years and so would she.

I went to kaduna nigeria

I saw life I saw people

I felt as if I was home but not completely

I enrolled in school I met teenagers who talked about boys makeup outfits other people

And sadly I was other people most of
The time

People felt threatened I wasn't Nigeria completely

Some girls hated me.. I could feel the hate
Someone befriended me
But actually hated me

And well boys jeez

It was such a complicated time for me

And I met cousins we hanged out at my moms with them or at their place

At first I was really close to most of them but they also didn't like me mcuh

So we drifted away

But we were friends

You know being friends with a person nevertheless knowing they sort of hated your guts

That was us

My moms family was really rich and stuff

So she had to move to Lagos for some work

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