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Ajzaira's POV.

Everything was done and as I had planned I was coming back on a Saturday night

My bags were in Aisha's car booth and she was driving me back home


A slow song was playing in the car, we decided to go slow music cause this week had been nothing but loud music.

As she was driving she smiled

"What?" I asked wanting to know what made her smile.

"It's just that I've been so busy with wedding preparations I never stopped think what would I do when Hummy left."

"Ohh." I continued "well now what do you plan on doing?"

She sighed " I'll probably ask farh if she wants to move in with me."

Farh was their cousin who was with us last night during the favorite moment thing.

I nodded

"You know if we were single, we could have moved in together."

I laughed "you know I think about that too."

She smiled pulling over in my driveway.

We got out of the car she got my suitcase from the car booth.

"Thank you Aisha." I said giving her a hug.

"You're welcome, and besides I should thank you, you were here for us the whole week."

"Cmon if I wasn't who will be?"

"True!" She laughed

I smiled

"Should I come in or you're good?" She asked

"I'm good," I smiled "but you can come in if you want too."

"No don't worry I should rush back Home."

I nodded as she got into her car I waved her goodbye.

When she left I carried my suitcase walked in using my key to open The door.

Here we go again

The good days are gone

The bad ones are back

I stepped in

Closing the door behind me, I took of my shoes keeping them in my shoe shelf then I walked in further,to the living room.

There was a used plate and cup on the mini table,

The lights were off.

I decided to go into the kitchen and see, when I got there it wasn't that dirty dirty.

But I knew it wouldn't be that dirty cause he was clean

Very clean

I smiled as I saw a plate on the sink

I carried it not minding it was dirty and a bit wet

I placed it near my heart


I walked into the kitchen to start making dinner preparations

Amir had just gotten back from the mall with grocery for tonight's dinner

I opened the paper bag I removed carrots red yellow and green bell peppers then I felt something

I reached for it and there were 3 plates wrapped in a see through leather

"Amir!?" I yelled "Why'd you get new plates!?"

I looked around our kitchen we had lots of plates too much I'd say and so far none had broken.

When he didn't answer I was about to call him again "Am-!"

I was interrupted when He stepped into the kitchen with a mischievous grin

"Don't yell anymore I'm here." He waved

I rolled my eyes

"You got new plates why?" I asked.

He took it from my hand then he looked at it for some seconds the he kept it down.

"Nothing." He shaked his head

I gave him a you serious look "so you just got plates for no reason?"

"Well-.." he scratched his head

"Wellll??"" I dragged.

He smiled "the first restaurant we went to they served us on this exact similar plate so it reminded me of you so I got it."

I felt like hugging him and never letting go, it was so sweet of him.

"That's cute." I walked over to him giving him a big hug.

He hugged back.

End flashback.

It wasn't a special memory worth remembering but it meant so much to me at this time

Of all the plates he could use he used this one?

The one that reminded him of me.

I kept it back in the sink.

I walked towards my room but not after stopping at his room door.

I wondered if I should knock, just enter or leave.


ME and Amir were layed on our bed hugging each other.

I held onto the tip of his fingers

As we watched tv

Everything was going great

We were here in time, in perfection.

End flashback.

That also wasn't a flashback worth remembering but I have to live on those memories, moments we didn't really think were special moments end up being things we remember most.

I decided to let him be, I touched on the door smiling.

I picked up my suitcase so he wouldn't here the sound and I got into My room closing my door.

I kept my stuff and went to bed.

End of chapter.

Hey guys
This was short too.. but I'm just updating, cause i don't want to leave you guys with nothing...

Hopefully I'll get my inspiration Back
And I'll write ✍️ my heart ❤️ out.

Don't forget to check out my other books

1: Friends make life: it's about 5 friends, who loved each other and support each other, then out of nowhere they all start getting killed.. but the weird thing is that they live in a small town with low crime rate, or no crime rate at all!! Just add it and you'll love it I promise.. just check it on my profile.

2: Rez: a girl who

Jeeez I've typed too much just please check it out on my profile 😂💔💔💔

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