Chapter 4

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(Not perfectly edited.)

(Guys please check out my other story "choosing rich" you'll love it I promise , thanks 🙏❤️)

Chapter title: talking to salma.

Ajzaira's pov.

I was standing near a tree across from Amir's office waiting for Salma to step out, I got here few minutes ago and I had told the secretary Samantha to call her without saying who was asking for her

Finally I could see her through the clear door walking out of the office.

She was wearing a black abaya which looked very expensive

She stopped outside the office looking around, finally her eyes landed on me and she did something I never expected, she walked back into the office like she hadn't seen me.

"Salma!" I yelled jogging towards her
She didn't stop, I had to follow her inside the office

When I got inside people started giving me weird looks.

"Salma, I'm talking to you." I said to her back

She turned around not having any escape plan
She faked smiled.

"Ohh How are you?" She asked like she wasn't just running away from me.

"I'm fine, can we talk?" I folded my arms wanting to skip the fake pleasantries

She made a face like she didn't want to talk with me
"Look AJ. I have work and I can't be here chit chatting."  She folded her arms

I was surprised towards her hostility, Months ago she was treating me so kindly but now, is it because my husband pays attention to her she thinks we're mates or she's rather better than me?

"I won't take much of your time." I said keeping my cool.

She rolled her eyes finally agreeing she walked out with me.

When we got outside she folded her arms once more tapping her legs on the grass impatiently

I noticed she was wearing new and fancy shoes.

Since when could she afford that?

I had gotten that shoe weeks ago and it wasn't easy, my mom even sent me money for it.

I shaked off the thoughts I was having I didn't come here for this.

"I want to talk about, Amir." I said

"What about him." She put one her hand on her waist

I took a deep breath

"I know you two are having an affair, and honestly I didn't come here to fight you or stuff, but please Salma woman to woman leave my amir alone, go get someone for yourself please."

"Pffftttttt, hahahahaahhaa haaaha." She started laughing holding onto her stomach." Her laugh irritated me and I felt like putting my hands over my ear but I resisted the urge.

After a minute She finally stopped looking at me
"eh ye? me kikace?" She scrunched her face *what? What did you say?*

(guys I'm gonna like suck at this Hausa translations)

I did not expect such a razz reaction from her but I didn't want to get angry because she was a child and I will not fight with a child.

"Like I said, I am KINDLY asking you, kafin abu ya patchi." *Before things get out of hand/spoil🤷‍♀️😂.*

"Are you threatening me aj?" She put both hands on her waist now.

That gesture was annoying me

"I am not, I don't have time to threaten you, I'm simply TELLING you to stay away from Amir!"  I yelled catching myself by surprise

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