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Sometimes my chapter names have nothing to do with the chapter, I can't number it cause I've already used numbers in other books
So it won't work
And I can't remember if I edited this normally

Ajzaira's pov.

The waiter rushed to My table "Ma'am are you paying for her?"

I ignored him pulling out my purse

I  kept a 4 thousand on the table knowing we both didn't spend more than 3k

I got up leaving

I had lost my appetite, but What kept lingering in my mind was when she said he came to the office sad.

Why? And When?


We got Back from the hospital and i lazily sat on the couch feeling depressed

Five months into our marriage we had been trying to have kids but luck wasn't on my side

A tear slided down my cheek and just when the tear had fallen was when I broke down

I started sobbing loudly and hyper ventilating

Amir rushed in from outside the house

he bent down holding my arms

"Relax." "Breathe." " Cmon just relax." He reassured me

My breathing got back in track and he left to get me water

he got me water

I sipped on the water keeping it on the table

"Why are you crying?" He asked sadly

"Why?" I looked up at him surprised "didn't you hear what the doctor said?" I said with teary eyes.

"I did." He looked down "but that doesn't answer my question, why were you crying?"

I couldn't believe him

was this his idea of a joke? I removed my hand Away from his laying back down on the couch

I didn't know what to say to him

"Is it cause the doctor said you might not be able to give birth?..." he asked again.

"...obviously!" I yelled in anger

I was frustrated and he was asking me stupid questions when we first married I had suggested we wait a year or two to have children.

But three months I was seated alone thinking how life was short cause I lost a cousin, then I thought I'd loose myself if amir had died.

I cried for his death though he was still alive, then I had a sudden thought,


We can't predict how long we might live, it might be our last day today or tomorrow and if one of our times was up I'd like for us to have a child

A symbol of love

As the TVs and books say

Since then I was ready for children but now I'm finding out I might not be able to them.

He reached for my hand again speaking up

"It might be disappointing I know, but that's not the end of the world, besides the doctor said it might happen! And we have hope." He kissed my hand

I teared up

"B-bu-utt y-you won-nt-t l-lov-ve m-me an-ny m-mor-re." I sobbed breaking down

He quickly got up joining me oh the couch "sssshhhhh!!! Don't say that ajzaira, what do you take me for? I can not love you cause of that, I choose your soul not your ability to give birth."

I kept crying

"It's true," I said "husbands leaves wives for that reason and so do wives."

He shaked his head
"Would you leave me if I couldn't?" He asked

I stopped looking at him with seriousness "NEVER AMIR!"

He nodded "well do you trust me?" He asked.

"..more that life itself." I admitted

He smiled "we will be okay AJAY." He said my name loudly.

I didn't know what it was,  if it was the way he said it, but with it I calmed down

I smiled at him giving him 6 words

Six words I said whenever he made me happy or smile

"How did I get so lucky?"

End flashback.

That was the trying to have kids part

I rushed out of the diner


It was 2 days after the visit to the hospital and me and Amir where both laying in bed.

In pure silence

I decided to speak

"I loved our talk on Monday."

I could feel him smiling

He held onto my hand "me too." He agreed

"Let's promise, to share our bad days and pain okay."

"Done." He smiled kissing my hand.

End flashback.

When was he ever depressed?

How didn't I see it?

Was Salma trying to get in my head?

I looked up across the street

Seeing as Salma got into a car and a man closed the passenger seat door for her and that man wasn't Amir...

End of chapter

Shortest chapter ever huh?
Daurin aure slappps

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