Girls day.

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Ajzaira's pov.

I went over to Aisha's place I was seated in her room and she had left to get me some water.

I wasn't going to tell her about the marriage issues, I just couldn't tell her because I didn't want to be a burden.

she came in snapping me out of my thoughts

She threw the bottle water towards me and it hit my lap.One thing about Aisha was she was a very crazy person she wasn't gentle,not at all.

"Jeeez! ayshaaaa!! would you have diedddd if you gave me the bottle hand to hand?" I scolded her.

"Ah ahn! you too did you die when I threw it?" She huffed like a kid.

"I almost did." I rolled my eyes

"Whatever." She stuck her tongue out sitting down "Did you see the clothes?" She asked excitedly

I shaked my head "No where is it?" I looked around

She looked around the room too, but she didn't see it "i think I took it to the other room, I'll call the house keeper to bring it."

I just nodded as she called the house help on her phone telling her to get the clothes from Hummys room.

"God I'm so busy with wedding things I didn't even ask you how fah." She smiled awkwardly scratching her hair

I smiled back " yeah."

"Sooo?? what happened?" She asked looking at me

I readied myself to lie and do nothing but lie
"Nothing much fah, I spoke to Salma, and She was very understanding and Amir is changing in a good way." I smiled fakely with shyness

"Yayy!" Aisha put her hand up "That Amir isn't that bad I guess?." She smiled showing her teeth

I nodded gulping down my water,I felt sorry when she said that cause I remembered what he had said about her the other night.

"I just hope everything gets better for you,I'm praying for you bestest."

I smiled blowing her and air kiss

The housekeeper came In with folded clothes in her hands I was glad we were interrupted I didn't want to talk about Amir again.

"See them." She Aisha got up joining me on the bed.

The styles were very beautiful, we had the same Design but mine was a gown and Aishas was a top and skirt, Their were four different outfits.

I smiled genuinely this time as I held the new clothing in my hands We've been waiting or this day

3 years ago.

Me Aisha and humairah were in my moms house in kaduna I had invited them to come with me so here we were.
Back in my room around 11:04pm all the wedding events were done, my moms sisters daughter had gotten married and today was the last event we took her to her house and we stopped on the way to get ice cream.
Humairah stepped into my room
"Aj did I say I love your house?" A young humairah smiled she was a bit thinner back then and darker but her shape was still intact
"Yeah you did about 1035 times." I joked
She smiled
"Faridas husband was really cute though." She said sitting on my window space.
"I thought he looked okay." Aisha shared her opinion

"Me too." I agreed with Aisha

"Yeah yeah." Humairah said sadly

"What?" I grabbed a pillow joining her on the window She was looking sad, very sad

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