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I don't want drag certain scenes so we move

Ajzaira's POV.

We had moved out completely 2 days ago, I was standing in our empty old house holding my key, it felt surreal yeah

today after Amir and ariah went out I decided to come and see the house one last time

I remembered the night of my wedding when I was brought here by my mom Aisha and everyone back then felt so simple

Everyone I loved was with me

It was a beginning of a really crazy journey I didn't expect

So many things had happened since then

I've met new people lost old people and learnt lessons, lived with fear and what not

But the most amazing thing I'd have to admit is getting pregnant now.

I put my hands on my stomach

After years of being forced to believe I wouldn't get to be a mother

It was happening now

I couldn't help but think so much happened just 2 years after getting married

What sort of things would happen two years after I give birth? Will it also be a crazy journey

I didn't want my child to go through any traumatic experience

Before meeting my child I just wish I could warn them about this bitter world About the people in it, well some of the people in it at least those who would break your heart into many pieces when you did nothing but trust them

I wish I could take all its pain away already

I shut my eyes still holding onto my stomach

I hope my child gets a better life than I ever did.

My phone ringing interrupted me

I pulled out my cellphone from my pocket and it was Amir

       *My hub*🥶 (ringing)

I answered

"Hello Amir."

"Aj where are you?" He asked

"Uhh..I got called the carpet has been dropped off at the station so I was tired of being home so I came to pick it up but I'm on my way back now."

"But I could've come with you.." he began to drag

I interrupted him "I know Amir, but I'm here and already on my way so don't worry."

"Okay I'll see you soon, ariah is already making dinner."

"Okay I can't wait to eat." I hung up the phone and looked around the house one more time

I walked out touching the wall one last time with the tip of my fingers.

Outside I got into my car taking a deep breath

I really did stop by to pick up a carpet we had ordered online since the company wasn't doing doorstep Deliveries.

So I decided to stop by here because I knew Amir would wonder why I stopped by our empty house just like that

I just wanted to be in the space alone

Without him

Even though i did love him but sometimes you need to say goodbye to some things alone.

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