A strong bond

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(Not perfectly edited. 🤧)

(Guys please check out my other story "choosing rich" you'll love it I promise , thanks 🙏❤️)

Ajzaira's POV.

There are some days in which you feel so tired you don't even know you're tired

You tell yourself I'll take a short nap or lay down and gather my thoughts but you end up sleeping till the next morning

That was me

I had just woken up and my watch read 6:23 am

I had not prayed Maghreb last night nor isha neither fajr I had 9 raka'ats awaiting me

suddenly yesterday's events flooded my head

I think I had seen samira or my mind was playing tricks on me

Either way it wasn't a good thing

But had I done a bad thing by loving a man whom had already had a girlfriend in the first place?

Was it a bad thing he choose to marry me? I mean she was just his girlfriend back then

Unlike me

I was his wife when salma came into the picture

Samira was just his girlfriend

I wasn't wrong


I turned to the other side of the bed and Amir wasn't there, though I felt alone since I woke up so I knew he wasn't there

I guess he went for his morning run

I got up and prayed my missed prayers

After that I was about to lay down again but I changed my mind instead I put on my track suit

well my track pants and a zip up sweater, I tied my sneakers

I stepped out of the house

Amir wouldn't be so happy coming back and not seeing me at home but I need some alone time, from the house and everything

I couldn't run so I jogged a bit stopping a few seconds here and there

I had also plugged in my AirPods and was playing music as I jogged

Pretty soon I stopped jogging and began walking

My music was on shuffle, so just then a song started playing

You know how some songs held particular memories because at a certain point of time in your life you were obsessed with the song so when you played it, it reminded you of those moments

Cardigan by don toliver was playing and it reminded me of Aisha

We were obsessed with the song when it came out so we played it on car rides during chores and what not we memorized every single line and we sang it together in sync whenever it played.

I saw a bench and I took a seat.

I unlocked my phone with my Face ID and I went onto my WhatsApp searching salma's name

I tapped on her profile picture and it was her and humairah on humairahs wedding

I smiled


"You're always seated around being lazy, you should help me." Aisha frowned at me from the table which she was cutting vegetables.

I was seated very comfortably on the couch in their living room the remote on my hand as I struggled to find a decent channel

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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