Home with amir

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I can't remember if I edited this normally so sorry for the advanced mistakes you will meet.

Ajzaira's pov.

I got to work

the workers were all greeting me but everything felt blurry

"Morning." I smiled back Nevertheless

"You haven't been here in awhile." Laila said walking up to me.

"Yeah my friend got married so I was with her."  I smiled

"Okay nice to see you." She touched my shoulder

I nodded and she finally walked away

I went into my office which was a small place but since I was kind of a boss here  I had a private office

The others office was just outside in the open

My office had a table, three chairs I had a shelve with published books that  I had edited and my co workers as well.

I also had a coffee maker and a freezer.

I took a seat,



How would I work now?

I pulled out my laptop

I had 15 chapters to edit by ending of this week

I began with the first one but I was so frustrated

*knock knock.*

Someone knocked on my door then opened it peeping in

It was Laila

"Can I come in?" She smiled

"sure." I nodded

Laila and I have been working together for two years
And the funny thing is we only spoke at work
I didn't even have her number but she loved talking To everyone.

She took a seat

"So what's up with you?" She asked as if interested in what was up with me

She was those people who didn't give AF about what you say

All they need you to do is give them your ear so they could talk all day about themselves.

"I'm okay what about you?"  I asked back.

"I'm fine too... BUT work has been so hectic there's this chapter that got sent back to me  thrice I had to ask jalal for help." She began

Jalal was a worker here, we were both bosses.

"Wow that's good." I said

" I know right! and you were no where to be found that's why I asked him."

I gave her a curt nod, she did used to ask me for help when I was here.

"But when he was helping me he asked lots of personal questions." She giggled in excitement

I moved forward putting my hands on my jaw with a smile

"Really?" I asked not caring deep down

Jalal was a calm guy who hardly spoke to people

I know she liked him, she always talked about him

"Yes! And.."

For the next two hours I worked while Laila kept blabbing about her life and jalal

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